2013 Ford Explorer disappointment !!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Ford Explorer disappointment !!!


September 13, 2015
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Middletown, Delaware
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer
I wish I could say I am a proud owner of an American made product, but in fact, I am disappointed. Purchased a 2013 Ford Explorer Limited brand new for $45,000 thinking I am buying peace of mind. Well, let me tell you, this is my first American made vehicle and my disappointment is tremendous !!!! The first 25,000 miles suffered a new battery, 3 fuel pumps (fuel pumps have a recall, they start dumping gas on the roadway while driving), Evap purge valve. Now the vehicle has 39,000 miles and the hood started to rust right across the front grill area, and today I noticed the door panel arm rests are tearing wide open and you can clearly see the yellow foam underneath... Does anyone know if Ford Motor Company is making good on the door panel issue ???? So frustrated !!!

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Not on the door panel. BTW, there's no real fix for that. Its plastic. Lots of complaints on the forum about that. I believe they are calling it "wear and tear"


I wish I could say I am a proud owner of an American made product, but in fact, I am disappointed. Purchased a 2013 Ford Explorer Limited brand new for $45,000 thinking I am buying peace of mind. Well, let me tell you, this is my first American made vehicle and my disappointment is tremendous !!!! The first 25,000 miles suffered a new battery, 3 fuel pumps (fuel pumps have a recall, they start dumping gas on the roadway while driving), Evap purge valve. Now the vehicle has 39,000 miles and the hood started to rust right across the front grill area, and today I noticed the door panel arm rests are tearing wide open and you can clearly see the yellow foam underneath... Does anyone know if Ford Motor Company is making good on the door panel issue ???? So frustrated !!!

Aluminum does not rust. You also just registered to ***** & moan about your 3 year old Explorer?

Aluminum does not rust. You also just registered to ***** & moan about your 3 year old Explorer?

Bit harsh Mr. Cajun...smile a little, goes a long way. "Aluminum does not rust"..true, but it does corrode and paint does peel away. It is only 3 years old not 13. Pe:ca:ace man.

CajunFordEx, I am posting my complaints as informational not as a *****ing and moaning, irregardless, I will not stoop down to your level and respond any further. Its a shame people like you take time to post something of no benefit to anyone and uses their time instead to insult, you are obviously uneducated.

Too many damn complainers over petty stuff

Sorry, I dont think a 2 year old car falling apart is petty.
Looks to me the complainer is cajun

Sorry, I dont think a 2 year old car falling apart is petty.
Looks to me the complainer is cajun

2013's came out in 2012 - 3 year old car with 40,000 miles and yes it will have wear on it. Fix what you wear out and move on - dont come on a forum and ***** about it. These Explorers will last over 10 years and 200,000 miles if you take care of them.

Please, someone tell me how I did not maintain a door panel, a hood, and a fuel pump. I thought threads are for sharing information and discussing issues, and that is the benefit, I did not know that I was not privileged to discuss any of my issues on my first post/thread. If I have broken some kind of rule on this forum I apologize, otherwise, I do not believe I have done anything wrong. Obviously CajunFordEx either owns Ford stock or is just a plain angry individual who does not like what I have to say, which is fine, I am not here to argue with him or anyone else. CajunFordEx, I still have the vehicle because I still owe more than it is worth, hoping the car will last a bit longer than the loan. If you are interested I would be happy to sell it to you

2013's came out in 2012 - 3 year old car with 40,000 miles and yes it will have wear on it. Fix what you wear out and move on - dont come on a forum and ***** about it. These Explorers will last over 10 years and 200,000 miles if you take care of them.
This Forum is full of posts about issues like this from all kinds of members. They come here to seek help or ask about similar issues that members have experienced. There is nothing wrong with the OP's post and his expression of his disappointment.


2013's came out in 2012 - 3 year old car with 40,000 miles and yes it will have wear on it. Fix what you wear out and move on - dont come on a forum and ***** about it. These Explorers will last over 10 years and 200,000 miles if you take care of them.

Cajun are you that angry? WOW!! I hope you do something to curb your issues, man that crap will kill you!!
Just a thought, does Ford Corporation have you on payroll?;)

John, have you searched the forum for a fix to the door panel issue?
Often people get really creative and make lemonade out of lemons .... fix the panel better then new.

If I get a chance later I can help look ... right now am taking advantage of the last couple hours day, trying to get my explorer back together for the wife to drive in the morning. :D

You did not see me posting on here correct? :p

All I wanted was to record my issues with my vehicle. I see that many posters have had the same problems and I also see that Ford Company associates have replied and taken interest in resolving their issues on this forum. I do not feel I have committed any wrong other than reach out to other Explorer owners and inform them that they are probably encountering the same problems with their vehicles. I also hoped that a Ford Care Specialist would eventually read some of these threads and help right a wrong. No offense was intended or expressed towards any individuals or Ford, just expressing my feelings and venting....

Cajun are you that angry? WOW!! I hope you do something to curb your issues, man that crap will kill you!!
Just a thought, does Ford Corporation have you on payroll?;)

Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today guys - IDK and IDC. I read his post as a troll post because he complains about his Explorer while acting like his foreign made car was perfect. We all know that is not true and it seems to me that if he would have searched and read all the other posts on this forum, that he would know exactly what he wants to know on the issues he has with his Ex. It matters not if he paid $40,000 or $10,000 for it. The fuel pump issue looks to me like he has a dealership problem more than a Ford problem.

Not sure what a "troll post" is, but the fuel pump problem actually has a recall, the fuel line cracks at the pump and spills gasoline on the exhaust, and if your family were in the car as mine was, I don't think you would have considered it petty. And yes Mr. Cajun, the first pump was a Ford issue, the following 2 pumps were a dealer issue because they did not install the updated part the first time, and the tech bent the sending unit the second time which caused the fuel gauge to malfunction. This is just my opinion, but I do not think all of my issues should have been experienced within 40,000 miles, for crying out loud, I havent changed the brakes or tires yet !!!!

I know all about the fuel pump recall and what it does even though it did not affect me with my 2011. Glad that you realize that you had a dealership problem with that issue. Why did you then bash Ford for it? Apparently you don't realize that the dealerships are independently owned? I have not changed the brakes or tires on my 2011 yet either, neither have I had any problems other than the A pillar tsb, but I also have a well respected & trusted dealership here. The door panel arm rests will wear if you keep using them. Ford will consider that normal wear.

Cajun, the first fuel pump was the original and a Ford issue, the 2nd and 3rd were a dealership issue. It was replaced 3 times. Not sure what your problem is, but I respectfully and kindly ask you leave me alone as arguing with you is wasting both our times and I am sure it is not appealing to the other readers. Thank you for your comments, I wish you luck.

I wish I could say I am a proud owner of an American made product, but in fact, I am disappointed. Purchased a 2013 Ford Explorer Limited brand new for $45,000 thinking I am buying peace of mind. Well, let me tell you, this is my first American made vehicle and my disappointment is tremendous !!!! The first 25,000 miles suffered a new battery, 3 fuel pumps (fuel pumps have a recall, they start dumping gas on the roadway while driving), Evap purge valve. Now the vehicle has 39,000 miles and the hood started to rust right across the front grill area, and today I noticed the door panel arm rests are tearing wide open and you can clearly see the yellow foam underneath... Does anyone know if Ford Motor Company is making good on the door panel issue ???? So frustrated !!!

Unfortunately, I still see a semi large gap between American and some of the better Foreign car manufacturers. Where each is actually made is a different question, I believe some Toyota's and Ford's are made and/or assembled in Mexico. With all of that said I own both and the overall Toyota build quality and engine and are still heads and tails above Ford, whom I regard as one of the better American brand of cars.

Sixonemale, totally agree, owned a Toyota Sequoia prior to this, and at 83,000 miles all I had done is oil changes, tires, and brakes. Got totalled in a crash, otherwise, would still be driving it. It was a 2008 and never experienced what I am experiencing with the Explorer. I switched to Ford to try an American vehicle, but not really sure it was a wise decision unfortunately. Mechanically, the engine and trans on the Explorer seem to be great, its the other nick knacks they need to address, maybe better quality control ??? Thank you to all of you for the support and information, I appreciate you taking the time to write...


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