2nd gen piece of crap !! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd gen piece of crap !!

How many miles are on it? Most of the problems you are having are minor. When you say "bad brakes 2 sets of pads already" Do you mean 1 set in the front, and one in the rear? Clean the shift motor, lube the hatch, adjust the striker bolts a little closer to the body,get a window switch, replace your sway bar bushings, and do the brown wire mod. Tehn most of your problems will go away. The timing chain rattle your likely stuck with, but being on this website you should have known to avoid a SOHC that hadn't had the recall.

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98XLT SOHC Swap with OHV????

I just got a hot deal on a 98XLT with a garage estimated repair for timing issues of 3000 bucks.

I'm considering swapping out the Piece of Crap SOHC with a OHV. If a OHV long block was purchased will all the other SOHC compoenets bolt right on?

I've been reading your comments on SOHC and just think its a very unreliable mill.. :(

You'd probably be better off getting a latter model SOHC that didn't have the timing chain issues. I'm not sure when they fixed the chain tensioners, but I'm sure someone here can answer that.

Did Ford ever recall this issue? This 98 olny has 80K on it. It freaking mint. Owned by a older couple. I got it for 800 bucks. This tensioner your mentioned. Does it apply pressure to the chain by means of oil pressure or what??

I assume it is a spring tensioner. Ford recalled a few years of the SOHC. "00m12" might be the number. I'd do a search on it. If you only paid $800 for it I'd say having to fix it out of pocket wouldn't be unreasonable at all.

rbyerman said:
Did Ford ever recall this issue? This 98 olny has 80K on it. It freaking mint. Owned by a older couple. I got it for 800 bucks. This tensioner your mentioned. Does it apply pressure to the chain by means of oil pressure or what??

There was a mileage limit of 75000 miles for the timing chain "recall". It was not really a reall rather if you took it to a dealer complaining of the noise they would fix it for free.

rbyerman said:
I've been reading your comments on SOHC and just think its a very unreliable mill.. :(

I think its just like anything else... If you take care of your car it will last. I have a 99 SOHC with 194K on it and it runs like a champ. Got it new. I change the oil every 3k and the trany gets serviced every 40-50K. Radiator gets flushed every spring too. Also a bottle of Techron in the spring and fall. Thats about it. I only wish I knew about the TSB on the timing chain about a week earlier, just before I went over the mileage limit.

I perfer the 2nd gen. It's much more refined than the first. I've just had so much trouble out of it, it makes me wish I had my 1st gen. back

I've been lucky so far...my SOHC has had no problems, i mean other then usual stuff...sensors, etc... im not at 216something thousand with no problems. Best of luck with everything. (i do say though the 5r55e i believe was a POS)

Perhaps I have not had my 2nd gen long enough to have any real problems? I have has it 15 months and put about 17,000 miles on it (84,000 now). So far, I replaced the thermostat and put new brake pads and shoes on it. It didn't really need them, but....

I need to get some new tires soon. Other than Amsoil oil/filter and a mac intake its stock. Its pretty well loaded and everything works just fine.
