3.5L ecoboost questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3.5L ecoboost questions


Well-Known Member
October 6, 2012
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2016 Ford Explorer XLT
Is the 3.5L ecoboost in an Explorer sport the same animal as say my 2013 F 150? I've been looking to trade my limited in and come across some sports with the same options, mostly 2017 models that are low mileage at a lower price than I'm finding Limited's. I haven't had any issues in my F 150 but I know that some are plagued with timing chain issues where the timing chains stretch over time requiring a bunch 'o parts to fix. Do the engines in the explorers have this problem as well or are they built different being their front wheels drive? I would think that engine in and Explorer would be extremely quick.

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Is the 3.5L ecoboost in an Explorer sport the same animal as say my 2013 F 150? I've been looking to trade my limited in and come across some sports with the same options, mostly 2017 models that are low mileage at a lower price than I'm finding Limited's. I haven't had any issues in my F 150 but I know that some are plagued with timing chain issues where the timing chains stretch over time requiring a bunch 'o parts to fix. Do the engines in the explorers have this problem as well or are they built different being their front wheels drive? I would think that engine in and Explorer would be extremely quick.

They are very similar however there is a major platform difference. The Explorer uses the same exact drivetrain as the SHO.

Major differences from F150:
-Front wheel drive platform (transverse) with AWD using a power transfer unit (PTU)
-Smaller turbos
-Internal waterpump (terrible design)
-Heads are obviously different for transverse setup
-Fuel delivery may be different as well

Don't expect to bolt on any F150 parts to the Explorer engine. That being said, the Explorer weighs under 5000lbs and easily tuneable to over 400hp with minimal bolt ons

They are very similar however there is a major platform difference. The Explorer uses the same exact drivetrain as the SHO.

Major differences from F150:
-Front wheel drive platform (transverse) with AWD using a power transfer unit (PTU)
-Smaller turbos
-Internal waterpump (terrible design)
-Heads are obviously different for transverse setup
-Fuel delivery may be different as well

Don't expect to bolt on any F150 parts to the Explorer engine. That being said, the Explorer weighs under 5000lbs and easily tuneable to over 400hp with minimal bolt ons

Those are good details. I don't know much at all about the newer Ford engines, but I'm interested for future vehicles or engine swaps.

Does that mean that they did make the twin turbo 3.5 with an external water pump? I would never choose to buy an engine with an internal WP, that is the dumbest idea I've ever heard of.

Also, how close is the 3.7 to the 3.5, is there any compatibility between those in NA or boosted versions?

Don, the 3.5 V6 used in the 5th gen all have an internal water pump. This is because the transverse engine configuration did not leave room for an external one.


Don, the 3.5 V6 used in the 5th gen all have an internal water pump. This is because the transverse engine configuration did not leave room for an external one.


Thanks, I figured the Explorer version would be a bad choice for an engine swap. I like the newest 3.0 but it's brand new and buying one used isn't feasible at all right now. I like how common the V6's are in many Fords though, the Mustang, F150, other trucks, and in the Transit Van.

Edit, I found this post recently from last year on another forum; about the water pumps being internal;

"I always referred to the newer 3.0L/3.3L/3.5L/3.7L engines as the Cyclone V6. All longitudinal applications have a belt driven water pump, And all the traverse applications are timing chain driven.

The Duratec V6 was the older 2.5L & 3.0L with the water pump driven by a belt off the Bank 2 exhaust cam."

That means that the Explorer Ford V6 (Cyclone family) engines have an internal water pump, and the others still have the WP outside. So a V6 in an F150, Mustang, or Transit Van would have a belt driven external WP. That WP issue is posted all over the web, it overwhelms search results. Those don't include the detail of which models it applies to. The problem seems to be solely among engines mounted transversely, which made them put the WP inside the engine.

This is the link to where I pulled that quote;

Yes. Any RWD platform with the 3.5 will have external waterpump. Expedition, Vans, etc

Flex/SHO/MkZ/Explorer all use the same engine with internal waterpump

The new Explorer is better compared to the F150 setup as both are RWD

Thanks for answering, the water pump deal was my main concern. I know my F 150 is external, just hard to get at but at least it won't take the engine out if it goes. I think I'll keep looking for a limited with the 2.3L then unless I can come up with enough funds for a 6th gen. I think they done a great job fixing my '17 from the wreck, so I can keep it on the road until I find the one the wife wants. They are pretty scarce around here. Seems like I finally find a silver or white one with rear buckets then it ends up having the 3.5L in it. Then I'll find a 2.3L but then it doesn't have the rear buckets. Or I find the one and it's got a ton of miles on it. She's at 58,000 I'm looking for something in the 20k-30k range 17-19 right now. I find a few 20's but they are all over $40,000. I'm trying to stay under that mark right now.

Good luck with the hunt, I know the feeling. I've been hunting a blue MKZ Black Label with the 3.0 and that hasn't turned up yet. I had one in my town new on the showroom in 2018, before I had decided on colors or trim. They are out there, you have to be ready to see it when they pop up.

Good luck with the hunt, I know the feeling. I've been hunting a blue MKZ Black Label with the 3.0 and that hasn't turned up yet. I had one in my town new on the showroom in 2018, before I had decided on colors or trim. They are out there, you have to be ready to see it when they pop up.
Almost have to be there when they unload a truck. I've struck out on two now as of this morning. The other day I was scheduled to look at one the next day and it sold first thing that morning so they canceled. Had a line on one today, 4 hours away, they wouldn't deal at all on mine, said they already were working on deals with 2 other people on the same one.

That's a shame, it may be part of the entire low supply and high demand, due to the past year's restrictions of everything. Almost all prices are way up, but the official inflation rate is just a couple three percent.
