3000 RPM at Idle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3000 RPM at Idle


New Member
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Tulsa, Ok
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport Trac
I have a 2001 sport trac with 100K miles which stopped running while I was deployed to Kuwait. My wife e-mailed me that it "just wouldn't go". A cousin with a scantool offered to "take a look" and started changing parts. EGR valve, etc. When he gave up, and took it to a dealership on a trailer, they diagnosed that no exhaust was exiting the tailpipe, and that the Catalytic Convertor was plugged. They could begin to work on the truck once I had purchased a new CC for $1200.00. The cousin then took the truck home and "unplugged" the CC. The truck now runs, but idles at about 3000 RPM.
Any help is apprecitated.

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Sounds vaguely like a throttle position sensor --- did your cousin fool with that ?

Check the idle by pass

Check the cold air odle by pass tap it with a hammer lightly and see if the idle drops, it looks like a d cell battery right on your intake manifold.

spinyard said:
Check the cold air odle by pass tap it with a hammer lightly and see if the idle drops, it looks like a d cell battery right on your intake manifold.
how did he unplug the cc

Does it idle @3K all the time, or only when hot? If only when hot, it may mean the engine is overheating. Computer will automatically bump idle to try and cool the engine.
