33's or 35's ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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33's or 35's ?


July 8, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
chicopee mass
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 sport
im lifting a 92 sport 5.5 to 6 inches and im wondering if 35's will fit.also what are you guys running for backspacing on 8 inch rims. what gearing should i use?im doing a ranger 4 inch with a 2 inch spacer and a spring over. has anyone done a spring over? will the stock springs articulate much? how do they handle on the street? axle wrap?? also looking for a 5-speed trans if anyone has one for cheap.

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do you have a manual tranny now? u plan on swapping one in? then imo stay away from 4.56's and 35's. depending on how big or small the 35" tire actually is. go atleast 4.88's for mostly street if not 5.13's for offroad. the manual tranny will keep the rpm's down a good bit compared to a auto tranny. cuz otherwise you'll be dissapointed with it power wise. been there done that :rolleyes: money wasted, lesson learned. now if the motor had more power it would be different. but it doesn't so gearing correctly is extremely important. besides having it lugging around puts alot of strain on the tranny.

i do have a manual now but i broke the input shaft. is that a common problem with the trans. thanks for the help. about the 35's should they fit? i dont really want to do a body lift. ive never liked them but i guess if i have to do it to fit the 35's i will.
