3rd gen bumber question. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd gen bumber question.

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New Member
March 23, 2009
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City, State
Vermilion, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 XLT
First off, I'm new to the site and wanted to say hi and there is a ton of great information here. My question is on the 3rd gen X's, is there a cover piece that goes in the rear bumper to cover up the hitch receiver? I see them on the aviator's but they have a completely different bumper.

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Nope, never seen one.

Yeah I like those on the Aviator, but never seen one in an Explorer, it'd be nice to have one tho'....

Welcome to the forum BTW!

Ive often wondered the same thing.... And been trying to think of a way to make one as it would clean up the back of the truck a lot.

One morning a couple months ago I saw what I thought was a cover like this on the side of the road. Could have been an accident there or something. Could have been of any kind of vehicle. Thought to myself I'll pick that up on the way home and see if I can make it fit.
Dropped my kid off at daycare, and went back, the damn thing was gone.

Thanks for the reply's. Ur response's were kinda what I was expecting but not what I was hoping for. Thanks again.
