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Photos 3rd gen pic's

thought this was funny and cool lol

This is my truck from a long time ago, and it is being shown on ebay for the grill's
this is now two things the first was the picture of my spyder auto tailights which is also being used, to show the product. Wish i was getting paid for that lol...


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i thought photbucket and such weren't free source site meaning if you were like many american's now days you could sue them, not sure how you could truly prove its your car tho

lol my old license plate is in that picture , and my truck looks nothing like that now. i think its cool that every time someone searches tailights or grill for explorer my truck comes up. If id sue them it would take forever they should just cut me a blank check and id be happy hahha

they'd probably just take your picture down since there are two other x's in there pictures

Contact them about it what the heck...or just be happy your truck was awesome enough for them to use as an example :)

Got a little dirty the other day.




No mods to speak of but edited this in iPhoto.

HiImBrian said:
Got a little dirty the other day.

What size tires are you running and any lift?

Triton8273 said:
It's all listed right in his signature bud.

Using forum runner on my iPad. Just realized this app does not show signatures but thank you for the heads up.

Using forum runner on my iPad. Just realized this app does not show signatures but thank you for the heads up.

Ah, well that sucks lol, but now i've learned something as well.

And so you dont have to wait to get on a computer. He is running Treadwright Guard Dog 265/70/17's with a 3in Body lift. Had the tires for about 2 months or so.

Ridgeline said:
Using forum runner on my iPad. Just realized this app does not show signatures but thank you for the heads up.
I use ForumRunner on my iPhone and iPad. You can set it to show signatures. Just tinker with it a bit.
Limited02 said:
Brian- Is it me or are your tires cupping?
They've been like that since I got them. I think it's because my stock rims are only like 7.5" wide, the minimum width for the tire according to Treadwright and BFG. They seem fine, and are balanced and aligned correctly. As long as they don't start acting up I'm fine with how they look.

HiImBrian said:
I use ForumRunner on my iPhone and iPad. You can set it to show signatures. Just tinker with it a bit.

They've been like that since I got them. I think it's because my stock rims are only like 7.5" wide, the minimum width for the tire according to Treadwright and BFG. They seem fine, and are balanced and aligned correctly. As long as they don't start acting up I'm fine with how they look.

Thanks for the heads up I have done some adjustments and can see others sigs but not yours. Will keep tweaking.

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

Thanks for the heads up I have done some adjustments and can see others sigs but not yours. Will keep tweaking.

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

Hmmm.. Well here's what it looks like just in case you don't get it figured out:

2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.6L V8
Bose Audio - CodeAlarm Remote Start - K&N Cold Air Intake - BanksPower TransCommand - Hunter Brushguard - Custom Roof Basket
KC Offroad Lights - Fusion Key - 3rd Cat Cutout - Straightpiped/Magnaflow Catback - 3" Body Lift - F-150 Towhooks - 2" Hubcentric Wheel Spacers - HID's - 265/70/17's

thought this was funny and cool lol

This is my truck from a long time ago, and it is being shown on ebay for the grill's
this is now two things the first was the picture of my spyder auto tailights which is also being used, to show the product. Wish i was getting paid for that lol...


had somebody do the same thing with my pic from ebay a while ago...they were selling a westin bull bar...i emailed them a few times and they ended up changing it out...thats funny how they still do that

HiImBrian said:
Hmmm.. Well here's what it looks like just in case you don't get it figured out:

2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.6L V8
Bose Audio - CodeAlarm Remote Start - K&N Cold Air Intake - BanksPower TransCommand - Hunter Brushguard - Custom Roof Basket
KC Offroad Lights - Fusion Key - 3rd Cat Cutout - Straightpiped/Magnaflow Catback - 3" Body Lift - F-150 Towhooks - 2" Hubcentric Wheel Spacers - HID's - 265/70/17's

Thanks again appreciate it.

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

Now that I have it figured out how to post pictures on here, I wanted to get a few out of my truck for all to see! Looking for feedback on it!
The day I bought her!

First mod was the hunter grill guard, as well as painting the stock grill black.

My X towing my custom Trike project

I think you could all appreciate the fact that I am a daily wheelchair user from a mountain biking accident that broke my back, this is how my wheelchair goes around with my in my X

How she sits today, going to black out the headlight internals to match my corners, and repaint the plastic trim. Also have 5k HIDs in the low beams. But no pictures of them yet.

Last picture for this post, my X and a buddies trac.

Got a little dirty the other day.

Where did you pick up your tow hooks? and how did you mount them with your brushguard? You have/know of a write up on installing them with the hunter guard?

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the truck looks good wheelin' cant wait to see how it looks with the trim painted.

also how do you like the 5k lo beams? I just ordered a set bc my 6ks were turning two different colors and Im hoping the 5k are more white and less blue than the 6 were.
