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gotta watch out for all the domestic threats hooah!

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nate looks awesome ... so whats your current setup now? do you have any sound clips? mpg difference? or is that too soon? lol

and WTF happened to caldwell havent seen him on here for a long time

Just a larger exhaust pipe from the Y to the other Y pipe. There were two choices at my local Midas; run the exhaust under the axle and use a muffler with two inlets and outlets for actual duals; or use larger pipe from the y-pipe, over the axle, to the other Y-pipe.

Just a larger exhaust pipe from the Y to the other Y pipe. There were two choices at my local Midas; run the exhaust under the axle and use a muffler with two inlets and outlets for actual duals; or use larger pipe from the y-pipe, over the axle, to the other Y-pipe.

Do you have any pics of how its routed?
Posted via Mobile Device

Do you have any pics of how its routed?
Posted via Mobile Device

Not yet. It follows the stock pipe routing until after the axle. I'll get some pics up soon

Sorry it took me so long to get pics up; been busy lately.


Basically it follows the stock routing all the way up to this Y-pipe then splits and follows the frame. The 2 pipes are the stock 2.25" diameter the rest is like a 2.5" or 2.75"

Lookin good bro

Sorry it took me so long to get pics up; been busy lately.


Basically it follows the stock routing all the way up to this Y-pipe then splits and follows the frame. The 2 pipes are the stock 2.25" diameter the rest is like a 2.5" or 2.75"

Done well, Nate!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup::D:thumbsup:

Those rim's look schmicko jerzydevil609:thumbsup:

heres a few pics of mine ANY SUGGESTIONS??





4Th Gen mirrors, 10k headlights, 3000k FOGS, Magnaflow exhaust, K&N intake, Pioneer AVH-P4300 DVD, Kenwood Speakers, & ALOT More to list!!

Look's good mate, as far as suggestion's....How far are you willing to go:D:thumbsup:

Sorry it took me so long to get pics up; been busy lately.


Basically it follows the stock routing all the way up to this Y-pipe then splits and follows the frame. The 2 pipes are the stock 2.25" diameter the rest is like a 2.5" or 2.75"

Hard for me to tell, but did you route the pipe around the spare. Or did you just lose the spare for pipe space?

nate u got sound clip of the exhaust

Hard for me to tell, but did you route the pipe around the spare. Or did you just lose the spare for pipe space?
I think I may be able to fit my spare under there. I haven't tried it yet, but with some heat wrap it may work. I'm content with having my spare in the back of my X as it did hang a bit too low for wheeling with it there.

I don't have a sound clip yet, but I will upload one soon.

ground force springs, 8000HIDS, shaved roof racks, air box mod with k&n filter, billet grill, painted head lights

I think I may be able to fit my spare under there. I haven't tried it yet, but with some heat wrap it may work. I'm content with having my spare in the back of my X as it did hang a bit too low for wheeling with it there.

A body lift will let your spare move higher up too.

hey guys, ive just joined the forums, and also just got my btf spacer lift in the front installed. tell me what ya think guys.

^^ Towing and lifted now that is how you have to do it

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cgifford1992, awesome looking ex! just found the size! you gonna do the back or keep it how it is?
