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3rd generation Bumper registry

1st and 2nd gen owners aren't as concerned about appearance, just "what can we do" and they do it.

Hey!! Speak for yourself. :D I definitely take pride in the good looks of my 2nd gen.

Haha, but seriously, everything else you wrote is great, i think as the years go by and the 3rd gens get older we'll see more serious modifications, such as longer A-arms or double SAS, one guy's already planning on the lengthened A-arms. It's just that not many people have 3rd/4th gens as extra play vehicles they can retire from daily use.

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(True... I can do this to mine because we have 3 vehicles. If anything goes wrong, it can sit until it's fixed.) Now, I gotta get a hole in the roof fixed :)

Interiors, tires, wheels

crikey this thread is long, good work Donman

Hopefully I can make a utube video and post it... Fenders would be nice too! Is there a 3rd gen with hips? Maybe I'll do like Dannyboy suggested and get "glass"... who knows :cool:;)

It's my daily driver... and only vehicle... I'm still not easy on it.. and it's quite capable..
I do realize it doesn't have as much travel as it could... but I've yet to be disappointed. :thumbsup:

Too bad nobody makes the fiberglass fenders at the moment..
I'm thinking on laying my own... but out of carbon fiber.

That's what I'm sayin' We can use them at any time, modified to the teeth if we want. (speaking of which, I have to get the Thule crossbars mounted)

No, I only have the spaces marked for where they will be placed... These will bolt in from the side of the vehicle... the cross bars are much longer and the width of the vehicle looks more proportional... The holes from the old roof rack have been sealed with new hex screws and color coated to match the vehicle...

Bubbles off, lights on!!

Okay, lights on... 4 KC 26 series in front; 2 generic 3x6 back up lights (one is not grounded yet due to a stubborn bolt... the lights are pointed downward and toward the opposite tail lamp - should see an X when the lights come on (Daniel, the X is in front also) the Thule will be bolted on tomoro, and the front bumper skid plate will be adjusted outward about 2"; the rear bumper and under the tail lamps will be all diamond plate - the lights will be sealed at the bottom, and diamond plate will be pressed against the vehicle - flat. Time permitting, I will take it on base to the off road section (didn't know it was there) and do what I can (there is no rain here, so dry, dusty conditions is all I expect). The two red lights look lopsided, but aren't :)

Then the vehicle will have been officially butchered to my liking... The holes in the side will remain... some will say the vehicle is ugly, some will say it's nice, I will say it's mine :) Pics to follow...


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All sounds good, and I will say I will like it because you did it your way, and it actually looks tough, if not quite "filled in".

Thank you! It'll be interesting to see how it performs...

great work Donmaster

(True... I can do this to mine because we have 3 vehicles. If anything goes wrong, it can sit until it's fixed.) Now, I gotta get a hole in the roof fixed :)

If your interested in driving it to Rancho Cucamonga i have a friend that is a damn good fabricator and is looking to try to build a 3rd gen LT setup. It would be very very well priced being that its a prototype, let me know if your interested.


great work Donmaster

Thank you!:thumbsup:

Looking good donner, I thought you said no more diamond plate though?

No more... It's too dark to take pics, but I went with... oh, you'll see ;)

If your interested in driving it to Rancho Cucamonga i have a friend that is a damn good fabricator and is looking to try to build a 3rd gen LT setup. It would be very very well priced being that its a prototype, let me know if your interested.

Thank you! That would be a great opportunity, but I'm not able to participate. I'm sure we can find a local who will be able to... :) But I could use help with the roof rack - would that be okay?

Update.. sorry for the delay

there was a delay with me and later with the company... but here is where we stand: my rear bumper was redone. And


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You pinted it black and put the stock rims back on???? LOL.

I'm guessing your old rear bar went on Jr's Sport?

Ha! :) We're doing jr's bumper (rear) and mine is being "attended" to... they also fixed the hole in my roof. Mine is 90% complete... (but I have a 911 to post, good grief!)

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Ha! :) We're doing jr's bumper (rear) and mine is being "attended" to... they also fixed the hole in my roof. Mine is 90% complete... (but I have a 911 to post, good grief!)

Hole in your roof? Is that from your cross bars?
