3rd generation Bumper registry | Page 26 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd generation Bumper registry

Tire Carrier :D:thumbsup:
UPS says my 2000LB hinge and latch should be delivered on the 27th. ;)
Almost got'er done.

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Oh man! Must be nice... Reasonable price?

Oh man! Must be nice... Reasonable price?

Whole kit was $100, can't beat it, at least If I end up selling these things, I'll know the hinge will be quiet and good quality.
used1 291.jpg

I just wanted to say that I have read this whole thread from the beginning to this spot today. It has taken me just about all day long. I have been intrigued with the process.

Keep up the good work DONNER!

hey donner were did you get the front bumper, was it pretty easy for it to be fabbed to fit an X?



Thanks... the front bumper took forever to get from point A to now... I still need to put a full plate on the front. For the guy that started it, it was easy to him he said. But for different reasons, it took baby steps just to get it to this point. The rear bumper will lose the ears and gain two small versions of the front arches...

I'll be honest, there is no prototype for a 3rd gen bumper, so a lot of mistakes and changes are made along the way. Personalities clash, it can get ugly. The main thing I've learned through the builds we have in this thread - Do it your way as long as it's safe; If 20 people say leave it, but you want to change something, change it; Let your imagination help you design. Carry a knife (if the law permits) - I carry many. (For some reason there are junkyard dogs everywhere it seems around automotive areas)

From all of this, all I hope to see is a metal bumper (and tire carrier). Oh, and the Thule rails instead of the factory roof rack... Lots of frustrations.

Problems again today...

But better pics... rear bumper is not done :mad: Replacing the aluminum cover with steel... (Need PIAAs)


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Finally! Some full bodied shots. Looks great donner.

(Dude didn't show up at all today... fabricator was a no show.)

Thanks! I gotta ditch that roof rack tho.

Donner, I've read the whole thread over time....but I can't remember how much lift you have or what method you used. Could you be so kind as to reiterate for me?


Awesome Rig, Donner! I see a future Truck of the Month here.

Truck of the month in 2010 :) I have a bit more work to do... It only has 2.75" Coilsprings in front, and 1.5" Coilsprings rear. If the frame wasn't as big as a train track, I'd try a body lift - adjust the bumpers upward, headlights downward. My neighbor suggested (the engine that Jakee has)... I forget the name, but that would be bad@$$! :) and I don't need a speeding ticket right now, so I have to pass for now. (Jakee has a turbo charged engine...)

Truck of the month in 2010 :) I have a bit more work to do... It only has 2.75" Coilsprings in front, and 1.5" Coilsprings rear. If the frame wasn't as big as a train track, I'd try a body lift - adjust the bumpers upward, headlights downward. My neighbor suggested (the engine that Jackee has)... I forget the name, but that would be bad@$$! :) and I don't need a speeding ticket right now, so I have to pass for now.

do the body lift its GREAT. oh and you could add roadbully spacers to the top of yours, kinda like JCUZ did

Hey Donner, What Tires Are You Running???
and i gotta say those 06+ side mirrors are a subtle yet HUGE difference, they dont look as feminine as the stock 3rd gens! :D

Man, Seeing those full shots makes me want to put the '06 mirrors on too.

Mickey Thompson Baja MTZ 265/70/17, comfortable and getting noisy :) Those mirrors help improve the field of vision, only problem is you can see so much that it's tough changing lanes at night - looks like cars are all over. I have to get used to that...

I think the Baja ATZ with chrome rims would look really nice... Hmm, I wonder...

Oh, welder/fabricator needed to complete rear bumper....

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So will this truck ever see the dirt or is it just a pavement pounder?

keep up the god work Donner been awhile since i poked my nose in here
