4.6l V8 engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.6l V8 engine


New Member
February 10, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Mercury Mountaineer
A few questions about 4.6L engine. Is the 2003 Mercury engine and 2003 Ford engine the same? I am noticing a little bit of a cream like foam under the oil fill pipe cap. Any ideas what might cause that? Could it be PVC valve. If so where is it located? Are there any engine diagrams? Thanks in advance, Ray

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Thanks, still learning to navagate here. Any idea about the foam under the oil cap?

As already answered, the Ford and Mercury engines are identical. In the worse case the "cream" under the oil cap could be a sign of coolant (antifreeze) getting into the oil, mixing with it and forming the creammy/peanut buttery deposit. Typically this happens via a leak in the head gasket. Bad news if true as it requires pulling and replacing both head gaskets.

In the best case it could be just a bit of water that mixed with oil which can happen during repeated cycles of cold starts and short trips in which the engine never gets to operating temp to boil off any water.

An easy way to rule out coolant contamination is to send some of the oil for a UOA (Used Oil Analysis). Blackstone Labs is where I get mine done. It's only $22.50 and it will definitively determine if there is coolant in your motor oil.

Replacing the PCV is a good idea to insure your engine does not sludge up or have have other oil related issues. Unfortunately I have the 4.0L V6 engine so I do not know where the valve is located on the V8. The good news is it can't be in a more PITA location than on the V6!


A few questions about 4.6L engine. Is the 2003 Mercury engine and 2003 Ford engine the same? I am noticing a little bit of a cream like foam under the oil fill pipe cap. Any ideas what might cause that? Could it be PVC valve. If so where is it located? Are there any engine diagrams? Thanks in advance, Ray

The pcv is located on the rear of the driver side bank. It has a hose on top going to the intake. You removed by just pulling upwards and install it by pushing it down. That's at least what I can remember on it.


Thanks Tito, well chage it this weekend

On the Gen3 V8 the PCV is located right in the middle of the passenger side valve cover. You have to remove the air intake to get at it. Not too bad. On the V6 it's miserably located on the end of the valve cover in front of the fire wall on the driver side. Can't even see the bugger on the 6 cyl - you have to work by feel. Both use a bayonet mount - pull off the hose and turn the PCV a quarter turn ccw and pull it out.
