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4R70W Interchangeability


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May 12, 2024
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1999 ford explorer
Ive read thread after thread looking for a definitive answer to this question. Will any 4r70w from a rwd mustang, crown vic, or even a f150 bolt up to my 1999 5.0 rwd explorer

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It must come from a 302 or 351 or 3.8lv6

The bellhousing is different behind the 4.6 triton and the 5.4 even the starter is in diff spot

It must come from a 302 or 351 or 3.8lv6

The bellhousing is different behind the 4.6 triton and the 5.4 even the starter is in diff spot
Thank you, I read somewhere that the bell housing was different but then another thread said "they all work" so i just wanted to be 100% sure. Do you know if the 4.2 | f150 | 4r70w will work? or different bellhousing aswell

There are also harness issues between certain years. Connectors can be re-pinned, but you need to be aware of these differences.

the only truly apples/apples will be the same model year explorer. however if you are ok with small changes here and there it can be done. connectors may have different pins, VSS location may vary (please correct me if im wrong here) but at least the 5.0/5.8/3.8 trucks should bolt up at least

I should have also said 4.2
The 4.2 has the same
Bellhousing as the 302

Here is some good info on years and interchangeability

