5.0 Performance Suggestions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Performance Suggestions

Cali' Explorer

Well-Known Member
December 14, 2003
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City, State
Sacramento, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 5.0
Hey all. Well, I just had my taxes done and much to my surprise, I actually saved more than enough money this year. What does this mean? Parts for the X, yeah!

Now, I have already picked the first upgrade, and that's a new Muffler. I have a feeling my current muffler is clogged or causing problems, so I was planning on having a dual 2 1/2" in single 3" out Magnaflow muffler welded in place (replacing the stock flange).

Has anyone on here installed Magnaflow's on a 5.0? I wonder how they sound? I'm not really looking for that deep tone of a Flowmaster, rather, I'm looking for performance and reliabilty (a nice rumble will be an afterthought).

Once I have this, I am trying to decide whether I would be better off slowly buying parts for a bigger build up or what. Currently I am looking at trying to collect parts for a new cam/lifters/roller rockers (1.6), etc... but wanted to get others opinions of whether I would be better off doing this or maybe getting a shift kit for the 4r70w.

Just looking for other 5.0 owners suggestions from those who have done some of these mods.

Thanks =).

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Depends on how much you want to spend, and how fast you want to go... :bounce:

The shift kits are one of the best mods I think you can make to an Explorer. I have both the Baumann and the electronic Jet. I think most are running just one, adn are very happy with it. The electronic kit I have came from Explorer Express, and took all of 30 minutes to hook up. I think it was somewhere around $125-$150. The Baumann was a little different, but not too hard either.

The cam/roller rockers will cost a little more. I am in the process of doing mine right now, but Section525 did an excellent write-up on the cam swap. If you are looking for some performance, but are not going to go with a supercharger of some kind, I would definitely recommend doing the cam and roller rockers with a good exhaust.

I am running a Flowmaster 50, and have not used the Magnaflow before, so I can't help you on their performance. I know some of the guys are running a Magnaflow - maybe they will jump in.

Thanks Cobra.

I went and had the new exhaust put on this morning. It actually wasn't a DUAL 2 1/2" in, it was a Dual 2 1/4" in Single 3" out. We measured the outputs on the flange and they were 2 1/4, so I just stuck with it (this was recommended by the Exhaust Shop since I've had so many problems with my exhaust, they were afraid that welding a muffler in place and replacing the Flange Ford might use that as an excuse not to work on it if there were any future problems).

All I can say is WOW! The Magnaflow sounds mean. It gives me a really deep rumble in the low RPM's, but as you get up high it sounds nice and powerful (doesn't growl so much as pur). Its a lot louder then I thought, but that's all good.

But, with such an open exhaust, it looks like my next step is going to be intake since I now have lost some of my bottom end. Any other suggestions on what to do to regain some of my bottom end torque?

How did they do your cats? Did you keep all 4 of the stocks, or did you have 2 of them removed? I removed all 4 of mine and replaced them with 2 hiflow Catcos. Made a world of difference also.

If you are looking for an intake - I would recommend the MAC kit. You will see them on Ebay a lot, and Explorer Express sells them also. Besides that, you might want to check into getting a 1" phenolic (sp?) spacer that goes between the lower and upper intake. I had one on before I put the Eaton on, but I don't remember if it helped the bottom end or the top more. I gave it to JamesT - maybe he has put it on and can give a little more info. It was a long time ago for me, and I am getting old (CRS is setting in).... :)

I just had them put it in place of the stock exhaust. It removed all the old pipe from the Cat/Muffler connection on. Actually, it basically comes from the flange into the Muffler and then dumps right after the muffler (turn down).

I did keep all the exhaust ahead of the flange so I still have 4 cats. I worry about doing a full exhaust system because of the extremely strict California Smog laws (getting harder on us by the second).

I was contemplating doing my own intake. Possibly a PCV one. I would get a Mac, but thanks to my darn physics classes, I don't like the idea of a metal intake tube. Maybe a K&N system, I don't know yet.

Also, the phenolic (Spelling was right) spacers actually should help both bottom and top end performance. Its main purpose is just to prevent heat from transferring between the lower and upper intake, keeping the upper intake colder and making the incoming air colder (which helps the entire RPM range). Some say that it also increases the spiraling of the air coming into the engine... but I don't know how much of that I believe.

Where's a good place to get a Phenolic Spacer for the 5.0 in the X?

Call Rusty Huggins at 770.968.3412. He can get you whatever you need. Tell him David gave you his number...

Seems like they were somewhere around $50. Give or take?!?!?!? Again - CRS setting in... :p

Its not so much the spiraling effect, but the fact that it makes the upper intake runners longer is why it gives you a little better bottom end. The longer the intake runner, the more low end you will have. I still havent installed mine yet (thanks again Cobra), but i had on on a 'stang back in the day. I remember it giving a little more noticable torque in the off-idle range.

Well I'll have to look into that.

I just put 300 miles on the new Exhaust (drove to Reno and back). Car drove great. At freeway speeds it sounds nice, not nearly as loud as it is at idle and Low RPM.

Also, I seem to have gotten a jump in Miles Per Gallon. Going up and down hills 90% of the trip, and cruising at 75 miles per hour, I got an average of 19.6 Miles Per Gallon. That's almost the best I've ever gotten, and I only beat that once traveling on straight roads.

Very happy.
