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5R55E shift solenoids.

I think I may be having a similar type problem. Got a 97 explorer 5r55e and when it goes to shift to 2nd it acts as if it takes it 2 tries and when it goes in od it goes back and forth also. But I switched the solenoids around and n luck. it started after I pulled the valved body off when my shift fork broke in my transfer case. Needlessly, but while It was out I switched up the solenoids. another curious thing was the forward engagement spring was missing, so I replaced it. Anyone think maybe its a gasket? Im gonna buy a rebuilt vb with all new solenoids, hoping that fixes it.

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Well now I have a different issue. Tranny worked fine for about a week after replacing number 3 solenoid. Now it is totally gone, with a serious whining sound at the front by the torque converter. It goes into gear but it is like the converter isn't locking up anymore. No codes logged prior to going completely out tho, so I have no help there. Also can anyone tell me which engine this is OHV or SOHC, vin is, 4.0l-XFMXE0120BAE canniot find it anywhere.

If my #3 or "c" position solenoid is out, as per code P0760, what am i looking for when i use an OHM meter to check the solenoid? What OHM reading shows a "bad" solenoid?

Thank you, 2000StreetRod. Im now in the garage fixin' things!! You rock!

so, 2000StreetRod, I found my EPC solenoid has literally broken off on the plunger end. I've pulled the pieces from the valvebody and cleaned everything up. I'm in the process of procuring another, but the question is: What exactly does the EPC control? Line pressure?
