'91 front brake hoses; mounting clip | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 front brake hoses; mounting clip

Tony H

Explorer Addict
September 4, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
New York, Wading River (that's on Long Island)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Eddie Bauer
I remember reading that the 'X' has a bit different brake hose holding Clip then the basic 'C' shaped deal.

Does someone a have a Pic or a description to disassemble?

I'll be doing the two fronts this week although the jb is very simple, I just thought I'd get this little mystery solved. I haven't taken a good look at my 'X' to figure it out. The dopey Fender Wells are right in the way, especially the Pass. side, that ought to be a knuckle buster

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I've never heard of the clips being different between an "X" and non "X" model, but I could be wrong. Let us know what you find out.

The pics are no help. MAny cars have just these 'C' shaped pieces that wedge in to hold the Flexible brake Hoses to the Frame.
I'm not familiar with the clips that Fords use. it almost looks something like a Tinnerman clip. How do these clips work so I can replace my Front Hoses?

Passenger Clip Removal

Hey Tony,

Do you have any advice on how to get that passenger clip off. I've spent a couple hours trying to get it off, and all I have to show for it are bloody knuckles. Any advice would be really appreciated.


Adam. This dates back a few years... I did do my Soft lines. If I remember correctly, These Clips are a bit different then the ones I have removed in the past. They are 'C' shapes but they have a piece that slips up over the open end of the hose. You cannot take them off with the soft hose connected to the hard line.

So if you had the old stuff off the car and you were installing a new soft line; Push the line up through the mount on the Frame. Push this Clip into the groove on the soft line and as you push it on the other section will lift up and over the Threaded section of the line. I have never seen a clip fall off but I guess Ford thought that this locking it over the line would assure it never falls off.
