92 EX going to Burning Man as art car, many questions and pictures. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 EX going to Burning Man as art car, many questions and pictures.

Have to take that thing wheelin when you're done... you wanna get a couple sideways looks on the trail, just drive by in a big bowl of cereal...

oh and since you don't REALLY need the extended arms, I'll trade you for my stock ones... :)

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Have to take that thing wheelin when you're done... you wanna get a couple sideways looks on the trail, just drive by in a big bowl of cereal...

What a visual!!

this is a really cool idea... I didnt know these events existed:)

I didn't know about 'Burning Man' until I saw that episode of 'Malcom in the Middle'

If you can find that episode on the Internet somewhere, I suggest watching it.

It's THE funniest episode in the series.


Heath, to welcome you to the thread...

BTW I'm selling the parts I'm removing here http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264851

Here's an update to what I've been up to on this project. Here's the frame for the bowl done.

Here's the frame with the first layer of foam filled in.

Need moooar updates.. mooaaar!

Here are some more updates for those that are following along. The bowl is in the process of being covered. I was hoping to cover it with strips of wood like lathe and plaster. This would conform to the 3 axis of the bowl better and allow for easy fiberglassing. But we couldn't get it figured out. It was raining and we really just wanted to get something done. So we covered it in a 2 axis fashion with one large piece. It's going to mean more filling and sanding to get a true bowl shape. In this picture you can also see the beginnings of the fuel filler door install. I salvaged it from my ex so we can get to the fuel filler while the bowl is on. If will be cleaned up with filler and fiberglass.

In this picture you can see how the inside has progressed. (Not a very good picture but it was raining) The bowl is now mated to the body of the truck. The piece on the left with the black rings on it are the contorted piece that melds a sphere shape to the flat side of the truck. The black rings are speaker holes. They also allow access to the bolts that hold the bowl to the truck. You can see one shining in the lower ring.

Below is a movie of the mock up for the remote driving unit. It's a power window motor connected to two cabinet drawer slides. One way releases the brake and presses the gas. Other way presses the gas and releases the brake. The steering is also going to be remotely operated by a power window motor with a small bike sprocket on it. I've already added a large chain ring to the back of the steering wheel. A bike chain will connect them. The mechanism seems a little jerky cause I was shooting the video and connecting the leads to a battery.

Wow man I really cant wait to see what this thing looks like when its done!


Updates coming soon. Until then, can anyone tell me the weight capacity of the stock front axle with 3.73's? I couldn't find the info anywhere and my doors are gone so I can't check myself.:)

Updates coming soon. Until then, can anyone tell me the weight capacity of the stock front axle with 3.73's? I couldn't find the info anywhere and my doors are gone so I can't check myself.:)

Would this not depend on the torsion bars that are in the truck now?

1st Gens don't have Torsion Bars. They have traditional Coil Springs.


1st Gens don't have Torsion Bars. They have traditional Coil Springs.

After seeing what Ryan said, I re-read the first post (I had forgotten this was a first gen) and found this interesting tidbit of information.

Here's what I'm working with:
92 Eddie Bauer 4x4, 229k, auto tranny, factory transfer case, 3.73, rear axle is out of a 95 and has disc brakes, Superlift 5.5 SOA lift with Superlift extended radius arms, warrior shackles, Rancho adjustable shocks. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm running 33 x 10.5's in the rear and 31's in the front. (so no 4 wheeling in it's current setup) There's also a questionable powertrax no-slip in the rear. Door tag says GAWR rear 3000 GAWR front 2640.

This is going to be so weird.... subscribed!

The gas/brake pedal thing is a cool idea, but do you think the braking reaction will be quick and smooth enough?

So my reading retention sucks apparently. my pos mounty thanks for pointing out I already posted the info.Doh!
Damarble, I have no idea if it's going to work. In fact my biggest fear is that the power window controls will sense resistance when it comes into contact with the pedal and stop the motor before the pedal has been pressed enough. I still haven't had a chance to try it out.
Here's some more pics. (Sorry non-broadband people for the large pics.)
Looking into the cab. New floor installed.

Bowl getting foam, fiberglass and Bondo.

Test sitting the bowl after shaping.

Bowl traveling to new workshop.

Truck traveling too.

Another big work weekend coming up. So, more progress pictures to come in a week.

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subscribing, i gotta see how this turns out
