92 Ranger Trans | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 Ranger Trans

Steve Radke

New Member
June 4, 2010
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Seward Ne
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Was having trouble with Auto Transmisson in my PU It was not going into OD and hard shift or not at all into 2nd shift. What I did was Flush trans replaced screen in pan and cleaned it out real good check all elec and speed sensor replaced fluid and added Trans X works good now only thing after I drove for a day checked fluid it was a little below crosshatchs on dipstick so added some and got just a fuzz to much drove it and it really acted up so drained enought out to put it low side of cross hatches and works fine again .Learned real Quick not to overfill even just a bit. With Filter ,Fluid and Trans X about 80$ and 2.30 hrs work and its happy motoring again. Any Questions about this leave me a message and I will try to help
