94 explorer heater comes on randomly? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 explorer heater comes on randomly?


Active Member
February 7, 2010
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'94 Explorer
I have a 94 ford explorer. The heater/Air flow randomly comes on, its been really cold where im at and i need to work correctly. It seems to come on when it wants to. Is there a loose wire somewhere that would cause this?

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Check the relay for it in the power distribution box under the hood. You might try switching that with another relay that isn't too important from the same area. Mine does the same thing some times, I hit a bump right and it clicks on after that.

Well my EEC POWER RELAY is going bad, but that is not the relay you are talking about correct? Ill try switching it out with another one and see if that works :)

I switched the heater blower relay with the AC relay and it worked. I switched it with the AC one because my AC compressor is no good so.
