94 Explorer sport mini build | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 Explorer sport mini build


December 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Comox BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994sport/Built 1996 Z28
I just wanted to share my build. Im calling it a mini build because im really just adding tires, 2in lift, some lights a roof basket and this summer ill be rebuilding the transfer case.

This is what im starting with 94 Ex sport i bought it about a year ago bone stock i now have a skyjaker 2 in lift kit as well as a set of Rancho 5000 shocks and warrior shackels. Today i had some Nexxen AT II 31x10.5s installed. Ill be installing the lift after next week as i have to go away for work tomorrow and don't have the time. (I really wish I did)
One year ago

After the tires installed

Im pretty pumped about how she looks with the tires and im really looking forward to the lift.

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looks good, what size tires are those exactly? i was thinking of getting sliightly larger tires on mine when i have to replace them (practically brand new) i just dont think i need huge ones or something, i like how yous looks with those though.

looks good, what size tires are those exactly? i was thinking of getting sliightly larger tires on mine when i have to replace them (practically brand new) i just dont think i need huge ones or something, i like how yous looks with those though.

they are 31 x 10.5 on the stock 15 in rim.

Its a 4x4

really? they didnt seem liek 31" from the picture, then again maybe i asumed 31 was larger than it is. are those off road tires or multipurpose/regular/street tires?

There Nexxen AT IIs its a all terrain radial.

I have 31's on my 94 2 door. The picture above looks exactly the same. For some reason 31's look small on these rigs.
Hey Fishhead. You get down to the states much?

Here is mine on 31's

well they look good either way, i was considering just getting 245s or 30", problem is once you go past 235 regular tires seem to get much more expencive..

I have 31's on my 94 2 door. The picture above looks exactly the same. For some reason 31's look small on these rigs.
Hey Fishhead. You get down to the states much?

Not really (ferry prices are crazy) but i have been thinking of a road trip this summer.

I'm Just North of Bellingham. Comox is on Van Island right? we have 2 good places for good offroading. One mud pit close by me and Walker Valley ORV in the next county down. I am always looking for other explorers to wheel with. My girlfriend and my cousin both have Lifted Passports so I always feel like the odd man out. If you ever come to the mainland hit me up and we will do some wheeling.

Yeah man sounds good ill fir sure let u know if i head down there.

So i started on the lift tonight worked for about 2 hours and got the front drivers side in. It was a bit of a ***** but overall not to bad. I also pulled the passenger side apart. I started at 8 pm called it off at 10 , planning on getting back to it early tommrow. I am really glad i soaked everything with penetrant before i left for a week long exercise, that week ling soak certainly made the disassembly easier. I had planned on taking pics but when i get started on anything like this i just plow through...ill try to get some pics up tommrow of the process and for sure the finished product...i love seeing pics in build threads so i wont rob anyone of that joy.

So this is where i left off last night and started this morning



Front end done, which like i said in the previous post was not all that bad, the worst part was that basterd nut at the bottom of the spring.

Then the rears, at first I was going to remove the ***** leaf pack but after some struggle I just installed the AAL with the packs on the truck.


It really was not bad at all, the only issue I ran into was the nut and bolt that held the packs together was a mess and it was mentioned in another thread, was something along the lines of not bothering to remove the nut just cut the top off.... I cut the nut off the bottom and used a pry bar to break the pack open worked really well and was not hard at all.


I would say the worst part of the rears was trying to get the upper fasting hardware of the shocks set up with only one person that was easily the most frustrating part of the rear install.

And here is the finished beast. Im Going to be adding some lights as well as a roof basket and possibly making steel bumpers front and back.


Does anyone know if there is a kit I need to fix the camber or will a alignment do?

Hey, have you done anything else to your sport? I have a 1994 Sport as well. I live in victoria, im on the island as well. Im about to install a 6" BDS Kit into it. picking it up next week! Show some pictures and lets keep this thread going!

Nice quick build I am liking it a lot. The truck has a nice stance in that last pic.

Your truck looks good. I am really thinking about getting the Lift you got but seeing if 32's will stuff up underneath ok?
