94 OHV with 99 Intake? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 OHV with 99 Intake?


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
86-98 Ranger STX
I bought an engine, complete, from CoryL a while back. It is a 94 OHV crate motor to which he installed a 99 plastic intake.

Anyone have any ideas as to how the sensors and fuel injection dovetails with my 90 Ranger cab?

I'm about to head to pull-a-part and retrieve the older style top half and sensors just to get this thing wired.

I do have aout 5 wiring harnesses, including the two that Cory sent with the engine. The PCM harness he sent will plug into the fuel injector harness and physically install into the correct area of the truck (passenger side kickplate), but it doesn't seem to have the proper connectors for the IAC, temp, and oil pressure sensors coming off the other side of the engine. Also, no distribution panel with this part of the harness.

So, do I use my 1990 distribution panel and somehow dovetail that into the harness and PCM that controls the fuel injectors? I have the Ford factory wiring blueprints (3 LARGE binders full of every drawing and pin out under the sun for 1993 and 1999 trucks) so I could theoretically build a custom harness out of pieces if need be, but it seems as if this should be a tad more simple than I'm making it.

I appreciate anyone who has gone here before and has some advice.

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Did you get an aluminum upper intake?

I have one that I will not be using if you need one...

i would think the easiest thing to do would be to have the correct year upper on there, or at least correct for your emissions set up in your 90, witch would give you a run up to 92 if i am correct

I've decided to make a run to Pull-a-Part and take the entire wiring harness, intake, and sensor package off of one vehicle so that it will run when installed on mine.

Does anyone know if the lower intake is the same on pre- and post-94 engines? That would save me a lot of time if I only had to swap the upper.

I've decided to make a run to Pull-a-Part and take the entire wiring harness, intake, and sensor package off of one vehicle so that it will run when installed on mine.

Does anyone know if the lower intake is the same on pre- and post-94 engines? That would save me a lot of time if I only had to swap the upper.

From the injector rail up it is.
The post 94 has a lower top flange on the lower intake, and a thicker spacer gasket for the fuel rail to make up the difference.

From the injector rail up it is.
The post 94 has a lower top flange on the lower intake, and a thicker spacer gasket for the fuel rail to make up the difference.

Thanks. Have to take it all the way down to the valley then...

I may make an insulator between the two halves of the manifold. I have a nice block of phenolic that can add some lift to the upper manifold and act as a heat sink between the two.

Thanks. Have to take it all the way down to the valley then...

I may make an insulator between the two halves of the manifold. I have a nice block of phenolic that can add some lift to the upper manifold and act as a heat sink between the two.

I think you can leave the lower manifold in place is what I meant. The upper manifold should mate well to the older fuel rail

I think you can leave the lower manifold in place is what I meant. The upper manifold should mate well to the older fuel rail

That would save me some time for sure. Also gasket cost. Note, I am replacing the 1999 model plastic intake with an earlier model aluminum one. Does that make a difference? My motor currently has the plastic version. I plan on pulling the older aluminum one from the salvage yard.

I'm fairly sure that the previous owner added the plastic intake, thinking that the engine management system that it used was superior to the earlier style, and it may be... But, I'm not willing to fight with all the electrical harness issues involved for a couple horse power. Just not worth it seeing as how I already have a BBK throttle body, Jet Chip and headers in place.
