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A faster, simpler, better myford touch is here - MFT Update

Should I do the upgrade and lose navigation for a bit, or should I wait? I have a Nuvi to use on the mean time.

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3) Even if it didn't, when you get the package you could just do the update again w/ the usb stick in the package and everything should be fine.

I expect everything to fail because Ford is still using Flash Lite for the entire UI, and Flash Lite is the most horrendous, buggy, inefficient technology I have ever developed on. After long term use of suspending and waking, w/ no real reboot, I've never seen a flash/flash lite application that didn't degrade over the course of it's uptime.

On your point 3. Some software updates look to see if the update has already been done. If it sees the update there (navi or no navi) maybe it will fail to reinstall itself?

Lastly, I am sure you are probably right, sadly, on your last point. I do have hopes they dumbed down the software enough to work without crashing once a week like mine does now....high hopes. On the other hand it could take a while for it to start to fail just like it did when we first purchased it.

I am asking you because I think you have the proper background.


1) I didn't have the option to say NO, the site tells me I need to go to the dealer without any sort of questionairre.

2) The edge user's upgrade that I used has no Navi, and after doing the update on my system mine prompts me to insert the Nav SD Card, so I don't think that it's a problem.

3) Even if it didn't, when you get the package you could just do the update again w/ the usb stick in the package and everything should be fine.


If you have the need to go to the dealer message, like some of us do, will they even mail the upgrade package to you?

If you have the need to go to the dealer message, like some of us do, will they even mail the upgrade package to you?

That is the million dollar question. Does that mean they don't have your address or you have an old version installed...only they know. Maybe call IVT at Ford on Monday? I don't have a clue though, just thinking out loud.

That is the million dollar question. Does that mean they don't have your address or you have an old version installed...only they know. Maybe call IVT at Ford on Monday? I don't have a clue though, just thinking out loud.

I know there is alot of confusion out there. I spent approx a half hour on the phone with the MFT people through the Ford #. I gave them my VIN Home address and postal code. We talked at length about why I wasn't getting my usb and Nav card in the mail. He said he had the list in front of him on his computer screen. My Vin was earmarked to go to the dealers. No mailing of any items was done. I asked him to verify that nothing was coming in the mail. He said that is correct. I told him my dealer said that they were not responsible for providing the update or the Navi Maps. He pretty much said they were full of Shiza and for me to contact them and tell them the difference. If that didn't work I have his local for me to call when I get to the dealership. He said he will have no problems sorting them out. I kinda liked this guy, he was straight forward and didn't give me any run around. He didn't know why I had to go to the dealer.=\ He said it would be quicker to do it this way seeing I had Navi. He said if I had to wait for the mail then I was possibly looking at Mid April before I would get it. This way I will be up and running with Nav by mid week. Cheers:thumbsup:

They had my address because I got mail over a month ago saying the update was coming by mail. LOL. Not so much,

That is good news for you! I am wondering why some do have to go to the dealer and some do not....just makes no sense. There doesn't seem to be a common ground in anything I have read so far anyway.

The only problem I see with not being mailed the update if it says go to dealer is that it's not required to join syncmyride or explorer forum, so those who don't join won't get the update unless someone tells them theres one available????

Agreed. But unless you live in upper butcrack Manitoba you should be contacted eventually by your dealer or Ford. That is a big IF though. I agree. It's a piss poor system.

Agreed. But unless you live in upper butcrack Manitoba you should be contacted eventually by your dealer or Ford. That is a big IF though. I agree. It's a piss poor system.

Baaaaahhhaaaahahaha. If i got a call from the dealer giving a **** about me getting the update I would drop dead...... But I know what u mean...

If you have the need to go to the dealer message, like some of us do, will they even mail the upgrade package to you?
That was sort of one of the questions in the email I sent to Rebecca. I asked if we would get the SD card mailed to us if the dealer is to do the update. My dealer said they don't have the cards and to bring in the one I get.


Baaaaahhhaaaahahaha. If i got a call from the dealer giving a **** about me getting the update I would drop dead...... But I know what u mean...

My dealer calls me all the time. They do follow up calls after every service visit. Send me surveys. They take their service very seriously. It probably helps that I phone FoMoCo Canada at the drop of a hat. Being a previous Chev man, I have to say that the service I get from Ford is far superior than Chev. Compared to all the car companies i've dealt with, Ford is by far the best. I'm just lucky I guess to have bought my vehicle at a dealership with an excellent service dept.

My dealer calls me all the time. They do follow up calls after every service visit. Send me surveys. They take their service very seriously. It probably helps that I phone FoMoCo Canada at the drop of a hat. Being a previous Chev man, I have to say that the service I get from Ford is far superior than Chev. Compared to all the car companies i've dealt with, Ford is by far the best. I'm just lucky I guess to have bought my vehicle at a dealership with an excellent service dept.
Same here. Get followup calls after service and survey via email. Plus free coffee and vehicle wash/dry after every service.


That's how it should be all over, but here on the NE coast of US it is definitely not the norm!!!

You can't redo the update. I believe there is only one update out there. Once you do the update and then try to redo it the system tells you it's already upgraded. Mine also prompts for the SD Card. Hoping to get one from the dealer tomorrow.

You can't redo the update. I believe there is only one update out there. Once you do the update and then try to redo it the system tells you it's already upgraded. Mine also prompts for the SD Card. Hoping to get one from the dealer tomorrow.

The dealerships have the ability to "uninstall" and reinstall the OS, so if it came down to it you could take your USB stick and SD card to the dealer to redo the update for you.

I also need an SD card, and am concerned that one is not coming in the mail for me?

i think for those that aren't on syncmyride or this forum will still get an email from their dealership. my wife and i both got an email stating there is a recall on our cars and we need to contact the dealership. i called them last week thinking it was something different and the dealership confirmed that it was regarding the performance upgrade. so had i not have known about the update from any of my forums, the dealership would have notified me anyway.

What iPod are you using? Mine has always retained the playlist count. On Shuffle I am on song 30/514, if I get back in the car I'm still on 30/514 and the next song is 31/514 (using an iPod nano 6th gen). If I recall this used to be a problem with older iPods, on the iPod itself.

The screen memory is an option... and was also available on 2.4 ... on the left dash screen goto the settings and look for one that says menu memory or something like that.

I'm using the newest nano (6th or 7th gen?), purchased a couple months ago. When you first start the vehicle back up it still shows the correct playlist count (ie 21/100) for a millisecond, then it immediately changes to show 1/100, however the song that was playing doesn't miss a beat and is still in the same part of the song.

Will try another of our ipods in the Ex and see what the results are.

Ever since the upgrade, I have been unable to get a vehicle health report. The report info is collected, but when an attempt is made to send it, I get an error message that the report can not be sent because of a server error. It asks me to try again. The connection is established, but the transmission fails.

Anyone else having that problem?

A server error would mean that it's not the car but the actual Ford servers. I think

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I just called the dealer to ask if they could install the update while they look at my other issues and they said sure.

I'm not on the mandatory list to go to the dealer so I should be receiving something in the mail at some point. They told me to bring that stuff in if I get it in time, if not they have extra SD cards for the Nav.

I wasn't sure how long it was going to take to get and I'm going on a long trip at the end of April so I wanted to get it done.
