A-piller Guage pods? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A-piller Guage pods?

Black Magic

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February 10, 2000
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Explorer Street
Do you know where I can get an A-Piller Tripple Guage Pods. I would like to have the full piller replacment. But anyone them would be good. I have found the twin. But not the tripple.

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Have you seen Aldive's digital gauges? I think his may only be a dual pod though.

Holy Crap IDEA IDEA ------ They make a program that monitors like gauges, and they puts the readings on an LCD pannel, what do you think??

They do not make the triple pod for Explorers, only dual.

Originally posted by Hartman
They do not make the triple pod for Explorers, only dual.

Well then is it possiable to use two sets of guage pods? Like one of the twin and one single? Or even two of the twin? Hum, that maybe an idea. ;)

Originally posted by Black Magic
Well then is it possiable to use two sets of guage pods? Like one of the twin and one single? Or even two of the twin? Hum, that maybe an idea. ;)
Nah... wouldnt fit or look right unless you cut them up and used fiberglass to mold them together.

I got the same type of gauges as Aldive since they were the nicest digital ones I've found.


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I think I got mine from summit. Autometer has them also (I think :) ).

Would the gauge pods for the ranger fit our A piller?

Good deal guys, I am doing the exact same thing. I recently ordered The dual gauge pod from Jegs goe like 29.00 of something, an oil pressure gauge to get rid of that stupid idiot gauge. I also ordered aa modified Air/Fuel gauge
Not to sure of the task that lies ahead, maybe with a little time and a little luck the install will go ok. Will keep you posted.

Have fun putting that oil pressure sender in. Hope you got small hands. :p

Hey thanks for the vote of encouragement. Unfortunately I am lacking in the small hand department. I wonder if I could get my wife to help me... Fat chance of that happening. So you have done this I take it? Well I guess I know who to come crying to when I cant figure it out.:banghead:

Yeah, I've done it. Let me know when you're gonna do it and I'll give you some pointers.

Thanks, Will do. Do you have any pictures of the install, or location on the sender. Truthfully I haven't even looked at it yet. Did you build your sender T out of Hardware store brass? I think that was the way that I was trying go. Anyway I'll get a hold of you one way or another.

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Yeah, I built a T out of misc. stuff I had laying around. My biggest problem was the threads for the stock sender and the threads for the new sender were different sizes, so I had to put a coupler on and that made it quite a large T. The easiest way to get to it, but is by no means easy, is thru the drivers side fender. Jack the front up go get some room between the tire and the fender and pop off that rubber mat thing thats in there. If you look thru all the A/C pipes and hoses you will see it in the side of the block near the front of the engine not far below the valve cover. It has one wire coming out of it that pops off much like a spark plug wire. I'm assuming you have the SOHC.
