A4LD Tranny problems.....PLEASE ANYONE HELP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD Tranny problems.....PLEASE ANYONE HELP


October 31, 2006
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Chassell Michigan Da UP
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Okay here is the story...First Gen A4LD out of 1994 xlt. The problem is that I have no shifting after 2nd gear. I have all four gears manually and reverse. As I go down the road, rough shift into first, smooth into second and just rides out at like 3000 rpm @ 25-30 mph.
I changed the vacuum module and seemed like that did nothing. It happened when it was cold out and totally out of the blue. Like after driving for like 20 rural city minutes.

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You might have to rebuild the valve body. I would suggest that you read Glacier991's valve body rebuild diary. A delayed 1-2 shift when cold is sometimes caused by a sticking governor. Some shifting problems which only occur at certain temperatures are sometimes caused by bad valve body gaskets. The torque of the valve body bolts is a critical thing. Bolts which are either too tight, or loose could cause shifting problems.

Took it to the shop

I thought that I had a major tranny problem and took it into town. The guy there told me that it wasn't even a trans problem, he said that my transfer case is stuck in low gear. Is this possible?....Please reply.

The shift motor is new.

The first thing I did was replace the shift motor.
