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Abs and tax light


Explorer Addict
August 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Downers Grove, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'14 Focus ST
So I'm on the highway in the mountaineer and randomly above 60 mph the abs and tsc lights come on as well as a wrench appearing on the digital display. Sometimes they stay on for awhile sometimes they dont. Anyone know what this problem might be or how serious it is? Got 700 miles to drive so not looking forwarding to breaking down on the drive.

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The wrench light as far as I know is the bad one. On the 06 mustang (drive by wire which I believe you have too) it means it can't tell what the throttle is doing which in my opinion is one of the worst thing to happen with a drive by wire throttle.

There are TSBs (for the mustang at least) about intermediate wrench lights and it was a bad throttle position sensor.

Personally, I would get the codes read. For the codes you need read you may need more than just an ODBII/Can bus reader.


Alright thanks Maniak.

Would also like to add that after filling up with gas the traction control started going nuts on dry pavement

I would expect a wheel speed sensor has failed or become disconnected.


Could be a cracked abs tone ring. There are other threads on that issue. I had the same problem. The ABS, Drivetrain, and Traction control lights would turn on and off. About $350 fix at the dealer.

Could be a cracked abs tone ring. There are other threads on that issue. I had the same problem. The ABS, Drivetrain, and Traction control lights would turn on and off. About $350 fix at the dealer.

Forgot to say that we had it taken to Ford dealer while in Tulsa and it was a cracked ABS ring.

Forgot to say that we had it taken to Ford dealer while in Tulsa and it was a cracked ABS ring.

Thanks for the update.. I'm glad it wasn't anything major (even though thats not exactly trivial either)..

