Adding sea-foam to oil? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding sea-foam to oil?


Well-Known Member
August 28, 2007
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Kissimmee, Florida
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2000 XLT
I read on the sea-foam can that you can add a little bit to your oil,
Has anybody done this in there X and noticed a difference?:salute:

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I am a firm believer in the use of Sea Foam through the brake booster hose and in the fuel but would never, never, even consider using it in my oil.

I did this once just before an oil change. I put 1/4 bottle of seafoam in the oil. The startup valve tap that our trucks are notorious for went away breifly but other then that no noticable diffrence.

Did this in my 95. Put about 1/3 of the bottle in. Drove around the block with rpms under 2k, then changed the oil. The oil filter was heavy as hell. All valve tap went away and it seemed to cold start better.

same as everyone. did 1/3 bottle in the crank, drove it around to the store and back and changed it. real heavy gunk came out, but my valve tap is MUCH better. dont want to leave it in for a long time because it will eat up some internals with time.
p.s. did it with conventional oil, changed it into a syn-blend afterwards, then went to synthetic.

Yea I put half a can in my gas tank and about 1/3 of it through the brake booster I might put the rest in and drive around before I change my oil,
thanks much guys.

It's a very stong cleaner. I once put some into my oil, then made an oil change. I was surprised with the results. I has a lot of clumps of dirt mixed with super black oil come out. My engine has some oil leaks, so I didn't want to use too much. I didn't want to loosen anything which might be slowing my leaks down. If an engine is properly maintained, it shouldn't have such an extensive build up inside of it. I guess it's Ok for occasional use on an engine without any problems. Don't drive too much with this in the oil. Drain the oil within an hour of adding it to the oil.

Well i'll throw some in there right before I leave to get my oil changed the place is only a few miles away.
I found a coupon for a 16.99 oil change in the paper and was being lazy so I took it to get it done, the guy at the counter tried to charge me 52 bucks for filling my wiper fluid up and adding transmission fluid which they didnt even do,
So I *****ed to the manager and he gave me a bunch of 11.99 coupons so I get it changed there now, for cheaper than I can buy oil and a filter for, and they use syn blend. High5!

I didn't try seafoam, but did try Marvel Mystery Oil. After I put it in, it didn't start as easy as usual. It also seemed to run a little worse. I would never add that or anything like it again.

I still have yet to figure out where deposits form in a regularly maintained engine.

Here's what mine looked like with 120,000 miles on it:

I've done nothing more than change the oil every 3000 miles using the cheapest name-brand dino-oil I can buy and a Motorcraft filter.

Now, in some older engines, (i.e. early-80s motors with multiple hundreds of thousands of miles on them) I've run motor flush right before changing the oil. The two people I worked with that tried it both experienced oil pressure failures due to all the gunk clogging the intake screen to the pump. Both their engines were toast.

I would not recommend adding anything to the crankcase other than oil. A good quality motor oil will contain some detergents that will slowly dissolve any deposits that do form with lesser oils.


Well i'll throw some in there right before I leave to get my oil changed the place is only a few miles away.
I found a coupon for a 16.99 oil change in the paper and was being lazy so I took it to get it done, the guy at the counter tried to charge me 52 bucks for filling my wiper fluid up and adding transmission fluid which they didnt even do,
So I *****ed to the manager and he gave me a bunch of 11.99 coupons so I get it changed there now, for cheaper than I can buy oil and a filter for, and they use syn blend. High5!

52 dollars for filling wiper fluid and adding tranny fluid?:eek: I would of wanted more than some $12 coupons. Thats ridiculous.

I put Seafoam in the oil while i drove to the store to buy the oil, then home, put in new fully synthetic, and it ran like a champ. even make the timing rattle disapear till i had a jiffy lube replace the oil (sold it). id use it again. IMO you only need it once. i dont know what oil the previous owner(s) used on my 5.0, so i want to use it to clear any and all deposits. and then its mobil 1 or royal purple and a motocraft filter from here on out.

So all you do is pout about 1/3 can of seafoam in there? What size can. I'm getting my oil changed tomorrow and would like to try this. I'll probably add the seafoam, then drive it to the place (15min away)

Autozone has them. It's a small 16 ounce metal can:,NONAPP10644/store,1089/shopping/accessoryProductDetail.htm

I shall be next on this list for sea-foaming-fords. I am gonna grab a can for this coming friday (off from work) and take the time to do a full oil change as well.
