Aircraft switches? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aircraft switches?

Where can i get some arming switches for an aircraft?

you know what im talking about? the switches with a red cover on it, that you flip up to get to a toggle switch.

anyone know where i can get some of those? i need a few for some projects im working on, and im thinkin about doing some lighting, but need the switches protected because they will be in the armrest console, and i dont want them accidentally getting flipped.

it would help if it had something in there to shut the switch off when you close the cover, but if it doesnt, then i can always make that with a peice of aluminum and some glue.


::edit:: lighted would be good too, but if they arent, then i will wire up a LED that only turns on when the cover is open (how would i do that by the way?). thanks ::/edit::

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I've been wondering the same thing man. I think they would look bad a$$ for some fog light switches or any other switch for that matter. If anyone out there knows anything let us know.


They're available through Summit Racing. I dunno if they're easily findable online, but I know they're in the catalog fer sure

try this:

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Hey, thanks a lot guys.


sweet, i'll have to order one of those, and get some LED's and work out a light or something, probabally red so it'll look tight

hmm, the Baker site has a good point with the O-Rings, good thing ive got mad ammounts of Mag-lites around with o-rings that are the right size.

hmm, what (besides fog's) could i use these switches for?

You can also look in catalogs like Wag Aero, it's a parts catalog for pilots, that where I found some a long time ago I was going to use, but didnt. You might try a very cool website.
