All New 2006 Sport Trac! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All New 2006 Sport Trac!


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well it was bound to happen...

Do to rollover rates the next ST will be based off the new Explorer platform....but could there be a V8 in it's future then? :eek:




Sport Trac gets safety redesign

Ford sport-utility truck had industry's lowest rollover rating, with risk of 30-40%.

The Ford Explorer Sport Trac -- the first sport-utility truck -- is getting a safety makeover to battle new rivals. At January's auto show, Ford will unveil an Explorer Sport Trac concept truck based on a lower, wider design used on the current Explorer SUV.

U.S. safety regulators give the two-wheel drive Sport Trac the industry's lowest rollover rating -- two stars. That equates to a rollover risk of 30 percent to 40 percent. The two-wheel-drive 2005 Explorer earned three stars, or rollover risk of 20 to 30 percent.

The Sport Trac concept is equipped with Ford's Roll Stability Control system, which senses how much and how quickly a vehicle is leaning and takes corrective action by automatically slows the vehicle's engine and deploys brakes.

The SUT segment is attracting new players. Nissan Motor Co. has redesigned the Frontier pickup to make it roomier and Honda Motor Co. is launching its first truck, the Ridgeline.

The Sport Trac concept features a larger cargo bed, roomier interior and an independent rear suspension.

"Ford aims to make the Sport Trac more of a people mover without sacrificing its truck performance," said auto analyst Mike Robinet of CSM Forecasting in Farmington Hills.

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There I fixed the pictures :rolleyes: They we're a little big

I like buy it if I wanted a streeter

Very sweet looking Trac. I would so get one of them if I had the money and didnt have somany cars as it is...

uhmmmm, not sure about that is that what the new x will look like? Concept wise?

Boy the front of that thing is FUGLY, the rear's not to bad though

i dont like how it'll slow down automatically and apply the brakes...

man systems like that are really going to screw up Darwin's theory :rolleyes:

Hokie said:
excuse me while I go throw up...

That thing is ASS-Backward fugly

you shoulda seen the prototypes when I worked for Honda 2 summers ago... those were fugly! I hoped that Honda had dropped the idea, they have no place attempting to make anything with a pickup bed! I mean c'mon... IRS pickup? WTF

It looks better than that God Awful Avalanche. Plus it's a Honda, they'll sell a ton of them...

I'll take a V8 trac :)

Its got IRS, why is the bed rail still so dang high?

I'd take one if they'd lower the bed rail and add the V8 :thumbsup:

As for the Honda. . .looks like the next avalanche

The Sport Trac is pretty nice. That Honda is extremely ugly.

we'll, compared to the honda, the ford isnt looking too awful now eh fellas,

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