Aluminum on 5.0L in the Woods ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aluminum on 5.0L in the Woods ?


Explorer Addict
March 4, 1999
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Boston Area
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2003 Ranger Edge
Hello to all and thanks for reading this post.
I am building a 5.0L for my '92 Navajo and I have reached the part that requires heads on the engine. I was at first thinking that the only way to go was with cast iron heads, there isn't a lot of aftermarket heads that are cast iron. The World Product heads were suggested but I have heard they are not finished to well, although they will work if I choose to go that route. I have been pushed toward using Holley aluminum heads, does anyone have an idea about how the extra heat of trail riding will effect aluminum ?
Please help ASAP. My project awaits a reply.

Tnx, Sandy, n1mau

Sandy Balzarini
'92 Navajo Project

As long as your cooling system is up to snuff you are OK. If you are that worried, you could throw in an auxillary electric fan on the outside of the radiator pusher style. Just have an electronic (manual will work in a pinch) thermostat for it to kick on at a certain temp and you will be one cool dude. Check out the latest JC Whitney catalog and they have a plethora of fan choices. I have a fan I am going to put in mine just to save a couple of horses (and to warm up quicker in the cold weather)

It seems that if you're building a Ford 5.0 that Ford would have the correct heads that you would need. What happened to the heads that came on the engine? It usually seems to work better to stick with what came on that particular engine. Anyway, if you want to run aluminum heads but are having trouble finding them, look in some car magazines, like Hot Rod or Car Craft, they usually have a lot of ads for aftermarket aluminum heads. As far as the heat goes, your engine should actually run just a little cooler because aluminum dissipates better and faster. Just don't your engine overheat, aluminum also warps easier the cast iron. Good luck!

Randy Shumard

I don't believe you would have any problems with the aluminum heads and heat. If you are really worried about it, why not look into cast iron GT-40 heads, the ones that come factory on my 93 Cobra. They can be found all over the place at good prices, and are very good heads. With a little porting, they can make tons of power..I know, I have done it to mine. Holley makes decent cylinder heads, but the best aluminum cylinder heads for a 5.0 is without a doubt the Edelbrocks.

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