Angel Eye Mod !! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Angel Eye Mod !!


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Queens, New York and living in Budd Lake, NJ now.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLS 4.0 4x4
I saw this link and thought maybe it would be interesting. I read all the HID mods and maybe this would be a great addition to one of them.

I have not done the mode myself.

V :usa:

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Wow, that is a pretty slick mod. Now if I only had some round lights to try it on.

Well I would think you can bend that rod to your liking and make something totaly wild. Maybe outlining some clear lenses, would be a monster eye.

thay sell them in las vegas.......most people out there put them on bmw's

My brother did that mod on his car for the fog lights. Its was a fairly long process but the end result is realy kewl and looks realy nice.


I'm sure you could make them to fit around differnt angles but just not sure how the light reflection would continue through the whole thing.

The Light will carry without a problem. The inside of the tube acts like a capillary for the light. It only exits throught the cuts that redirect the beam. I think come this summer I I will see if I can make some for my truck. should look wild. Hmm will need like a 2' piece for each headlight.

Nice mod, good write up too, something i may try sometime soon.

This needs to be a useful thread or something.

I am gonna do something like this soon.

wow...this gets me thinkin...what needs some cool angel eyes
