Another 2.11 update, went well. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another 2.11 update, went well.


Active Member
May 24, 2011
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2011 Explorer XLT
I took my Explorer in on Monday, and the update went really smooth. (took about 3 hours to complete)

The buttons are more responsive.
I have not experienced any new issues as of yet.

I have also paired my Samsung Galaxy S2 and it works perfectly.
No issues in streaming Pandora/iHeart radio, as well as the hands-free calling.

I do not use the Sync services, but will be testing that once I have a chance.

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I need HELP!!!! I tried updating my system to 2.11 tonight, and being stupid I didn't read the instructions.... The screen had already shown the Installing Service Pack screen, so I left it for a while and came back to a black screen, so I thought it was done... It wasn't. I ejected the usb drive and nothing would work, so i put in the keys and started the car and the system then came on. A few seconds later the Installation Complete window popped up. (I had stuck the USB back in). When I went to my computer with the drive to check the status, it said no installation was reported. So now I did a master reset and tried to do the install again, after deleting the old download files off the drive and putting new ones on. The MFT now keeps saying BAD file, Installation of this application failed, or something like that.... WHAT DO I DO???

I need HELP!!!! I tried updating my system to 2.11 tonight, and being stupid I didn't read the instructions.... The screen had already shown the Installing Service Pack screen, so I left it for a while and came back to a black screen, so I thought it was done... It wasn't. I ejected the usb drive and nothing would work, so i put in the keys and started the car and the system then came on. A few seconds later the Installation Complete window popped up. (I had stuck the USB back in). When I went to my computer with the drive to check the status, it said no installation was reported. So now I did a master reset and tried to do the install again, after deleting the old download files off the drive and putting new ones on. The MFT now keeps saying BAD file, Installation of this application failed, or something like that.... WHAT DO I DO???

Take it to the dealer.

But what is the fault? Is the halfway downloaded file still on the MFT database? I did the Master Reset hoping that would delete any fragments so I could start over from scratch... but no.

That is not good.
I had the dealer take care of it, just in case something went wrong.

Take it to the dealer.

Most dealer updates are re-installs as opposed to system updates.
(or so I am told)
The OS is basically Microsoft, and it is always better to re-install instead of performing a massive system update. (for Example, going from Windows Vista to Windows 7, better to just do a fresh install of Windows 7)

Where did you find the update image btw....

Anyone else experience losing their Sirius Travel Link data after conversion to v2.11?

I need HELP!!!! I tried updating my system to 2.11 tonight, and being stupid I didn't read the instructions.... The screen had already shown the Installing Service Pack screen, so I left it for a while and came back to a black screen, so I thought it was done... It wasn't. I ejected the usb drive and nothing would work, so i put in the keys and started the car and the system then came on. A few seconds later the Installation Complete window popped up. (I had stuck the USB back in). When I went to my computer with the drive to check the status, it said no installation was reported. So now I did a master reset and tried to do the install again, after deleting the old download files off the drive and putting new ones on. The MFT now keeps saying BAD file, Installation of this application failed, or something like that.... WHAT DO I DO???

Hi, Rosko97!

Please send me a private message with your VIN. I will look into this for you!


The funny thing is the whole system has been working fine if not better than before the incident. I do keep getting emails from syncmyride to confirm the istallation, but of course it says one didnt even happen.....
