Another rollover... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another rollover...


Elite Explorer
November 25, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Allendale, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Eddie Bauer V-8 AWD
Did you guys see that Explorer rollover on the news?! They are making the Explorer look so bad to everyone. 1 kid died in the accident. Well, here is why 1 kid died. I am suprised 6 others didn't die either. This vehicle looked like a 99 or newer explorer sport, which seats 4 if I am correct. well this one had 10 occupants!!! the accident was caused by sudden lane change and overcorrecting by the driver. well I can't belierve they fit 10 people in a sport in the first place!
The public should know that the explorer is normally a strong vehicle and if the kid would have bneen in a seatbelt he would still be alive today.

The explorer is still hot and until the media finds another "rollin' coffin" its going to take some heat, remember the ford pinto, 73-79 chevy pick-up, 3 wheel atvs. It's sad to say, but thats what sells..

they even tried to scare us out of my beloved mustang with the rupturing fuel tanks. glad that one didn't catch on!
