Any experts on the Ford 300 inline engine? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any experts on the Ford 300 inline engine?


Explorer Addict
September 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Pella, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Sport and '89 B2
I'm planning on putting a carbed ford 300 into the B2 I'm building up. I think I've got a running engine lined up that will need a rebuild before I put it in. Is there anything that really livens up these engines other than standard intake, exhaust mods, like a favorite cam for good low end?

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WOW! that's a really long engine/heavy to put in a BII.

Porting the head, LT's, and 4bbl w/intake, and a mild cam work well.

Jeff - :navajo:

An offenhauser intake and a clifford set of headers, or at least the exahust manifold off a FI 300 motor.

the Offy intake is dual plane, so you want a good smallish 4 barrel carb as that motor won't normally spin very fast.

If you want to go nuts, spend a bunch of money with these people.

I just noticed you said "besides" intake etc. All I've ever done to our old one was the Offy intake, FI exhaust manifold and a small 4 barrel. and it really woke up the old van.


WOW! that's a really long engine/heavy to put in a BII.

Jeff - :navajo:

It's not that much longer than a 302, and it seems like it's a little lighter. I picked one up tonight. Here it is next to a 302 set up for my boat project.



The newer fuel injected exhaust manifolds are a two piece design, and flow as good as aftermarket. There is no reason to buy aftermarket headers when there are cheap junkyard FI manifolds to be had.
