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Any way to get better gas mileage?

XLT, where did you get your factory repair manuals? I an interested in getting some for my '96 EB. I'm a retired mechanic with mostly GM experience but I'm getting quite an education on this Ford. Service manuals would be a big help for me.

The haynes manual i found at Fleet Farm but i have seen them at auto parts stores as well. The Ford books which are 2 volumes sets and both the size of a dictionary i bought on ebay. Brand new they are expensive but if you can find them used they arent so bad.

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XLT, where did you get your factory repair manuals? I an interested in getting some for my '96 EB. I'm a retired mechanic with mostly GM experience but I'm getting quite an education on this Ford. Service manuals would be a big help for me.
Mike is where I got the sets for my 94 and my 2000.They ain't cheap but arrived in good condition (2000 set cost me $186.65 shipped,13.5 lbs).If the same kid answers the phone to take your order,he's kind of a dope but have him check stock first.My 2000 manuals showed up today at the girls work so I will have them at noon.Just like Christmas.:D is where I got the sets for my 94 and my 2000.They ain't cheap but arrived in good condition (2000 set cost me $186.65 shipped,13.5 lbs).If the same kid answers the phone to take your order,he's kind of a dope but have him check stock first.My 2000 manuals showed up today at the girls work so I will have them at noon.Just like Christmas.:D

Ouch thats expensive. I want to say on ebay brand new i have seen them for about $125. Mine were used but in pretty good shape which i paid right around $30-$35 for them.

Thanks for the info XLT and safn1949. I found a cd of the '96 Ford truck line which includes the Explorer at a web site for $125. I haven't ordered it yet. I also found books for around $78 for the service manual and electrical diagnosis manual. I'm not at home where I have it saved to my Favorites on my own computer so I can't give you the web site right now. They are used books which is fine with me.
I have a Haynes manual and it has some good info from which I have learned a lot but it leaves me wanting more. I'm used to using more complete books on the subject.
I will check out EBay and see what's available. Thanks again.

Hey, I have a 1996 aerostar cargo, one of the best vehicles I ever owned. I installed Bosch platinum PLUGS, BOSCH wires, Mobil one synthetic oil and filter, K&N air filter and a tornado in the intake tube, always drive on 93 octane and get well over 30 mpg and that is with a ladder rack and cargo.
I did blow a head gasket and was wondering what the tork is for the head bolts ?

Step one, slow down. Make a 100 mile highway run at 60mph, then 70mph, then 80mph. Check your mileage after each run, then you tell me if slowing down isn't the most cost efficient way to improve your mileage..

Next, it is the basics. Tuneup, synthetic fluids, clean filters, proper air pressure, etc.

After ALL of that is covered, then you can start to look into modifications. has a lot of good info. Do a search for "Ford Explorer" and you'll find a ton of lit. Even an entire service manual (sadly it's in spanish).


ddarko - You had asked me a few months ago what change made the most mpg. I would have to say changing the spark plugs, wires, and new pvc valve. This gave me 4mpg. The other stuff was in very small increments.

ddarko - You had asked me a few months ago what change made the most mpg. I would have to say changing the spark plugs, wires, and new pvc valve. This gave me 4mpg. The other stuff was in very small increments.

Thanks for that barenfang :)
