Anyone Else Have EVAP Hose Rot? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone Else Have EVAP Hose Rot?


Staff member
Elite Explorer
April 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Kailua-Oahu, Hawaii
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Sport Trac XLS (RWD)
Touched the purge valve hose (4L5Z9G271BA) connected to the manifold and my hand turned solid black. It's also known as the Vapor Management Valve next to the power distribution box. Searched for an OEM replacement with no luck and used 3/8" Gates Barricade® Fuel Injection Hose (MPI) found at NAPA. O'Reilly, or other Gates dealers for around $6 per foot. I suspect the deterioration is caused by a combination of heat and blended ethanol fuel, but I'm surprised to find very few reports on this forum. After further inspection this is the only hose on the vehicle I found under the hood with issues. Need to drop the spare and inspect any rubber hoses connected to the the canister and fuel tank next. I've also read the 2001-03 Sport Trac purge valve hose is connected to a different location on the engine than the 2004-05.


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Touched the purge valve hose (4L5Z9G271BA) connected to the manifold and my hand turned solid black. It's also known as the Vapor Management Valve next to the power distribution box. Searched for an OEM replacement with no luck and used 3/8" Gates Barricade® Fuel Injection Hose (MPI) found at NAPA for around $4 per foot. I suspect the deterioration is caused by a combination of heat and blended ethanol fuel but am surprised to find very few reports on this forum. After further inspection this is the only hose on the vehicle I found under the hood with issues. Need to drop the spare and inspect any rubber hoses connected to the the canister and fuel tank next. I've also read the 2001-03 ST purge valve hose is connected to a different location on the engine than the 2004-05.


The hose for the purge valve on my 2000 OHV rotted and was leaking. I couldn’t find a replacement part number anywhere so I made my own. I’m going to attempt to upload a how to with exact hose lengths and parts needed for a replacement.

Had the same problem with my 2001 ST, I sprayed it with clear polyurethane and now no black hands. From what I can see the inside of hose is fine.

The fuel vent and purge hoses always rot and will turn your hands black if you touch them. I always wear latex/nitrate gloves if I have to get anywhere near them. None of mine are leaking at this time, but at some point I'm sure they will.

Replaced the same one a few years ago and now see I need to do it again as, like you, my skin turns BLACK when just get close to it. No idea why. And Ford doesnt produce a replacement anymore. Also check the EVAP hose on the charcoal "filters" above the spare tire. Same thing and NO replacement parts available.

Ptf18 you think my 05 explorer 4.0 have the line under the spare title to

Ptf18 you think my 05 explorer 4.0 have the line under the spare title to

Dont know. I had OEM hoses for the canister that I had purchased years ago NEW. I installed them last year I think. I have NO idea why Ford is not support these hoses. I would think that the environmental issue would .....make them do the right thing. ;)
