Anyone SAS a 3rd gen yet?????? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone SAS a 3rd gen yet??????

sick. I can't wait to see the first SAS'd 3rd gen ever!

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:hammer::hammer:I routineley rally the piss out of my 02 xlt! moreso now that ive "rubbed the new off" on my "low orbit airworthiness experiment"!(Airborne @ 60+/-mph,20ish feet between tires & terra firma, 67' of distance, and complete stop in just under20'. 4pt.landing & drove out!)definately gonna be doin SB disconnects on all 4 corners here bout a week, I am also trying to figure out best way to get abitmore width from axles/upper&lower control arms? id like to not have to worry so much about the cv angles. had idea to amputate top, n boatside a bit, then roll on a gallon or so of dark O.D. from surplus to put some lipstick on this pig, then last nite i finally saw what the Vitamin D Wagon is, Now im more than ever gonna do it!!

post flight:
and now.


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Hell with the damage you have I would trim away a good amour of the fenders then just throw how bigger tires under it. My buddy came up with the idea of putting h1 hub gear assembles attached to the upper and lower control arms. They would work like port axles basically so you would need lower then 3.23 gears or atleast 38 inch tires. You would need custom upper arms, the hub assemblies, h1 outer cv joint modified to mount to the explorer axles, new wheels and tie rods. We were messing around with with ideas in Iraq but to do it your self you're better off sas. Oh yeah its about a 5.5-6 inch lift and your axles will be just about straight. It is very possible just takes a fat wallet or a drive to be different.

hmmm, h1 huh? doesnt those lock up w/ a bit of brake applied while on the accelerator? could you provide some sketches and more details of parts needed? am always running into odd unusual and old heavy duty stuff. also have a buddy that hits surplus n estate auctions. also, does any body know of any way to mod rear hub/knuckle bearing assembly to accept a set of tapered rollers? this lack of ability to hit the parts house w/ a $50 and redo them is BULLS$#@T.

I can't post pics from my phone but Google h1 hub assemble or h1 hub spindle. I don't know what they are called on civilian h1s but on nil humvees they are gear hubs.

One thing I forgot to post was that you will have to figure out the brakes because on an h1 they are mounted up by the diff not on the spindle. The custom axles you will need will easily run $3000. I had to replace one on my civilian h1 and it was about400 bucks with the new bolts.

Sas swap it and be done with it. You will get sick of flushing the spindle gear oil every 2-3k miles. What a pain is a$$!

I can't post pics from my phone but Google h1 hub assemble or h1 hub spindle. I don't know what they are called on civilian h1s but on nil humvees they are gear hubs.

One thing I forgot to post was that you will have to figure out the brakes because on an h1 they are mounted up by the diff not on the spindle. The custom axles you will need will easily run $3000. I had to replace one on my civilian h1 and it was about400 bucks with the new bolts.

Sas swap it and be done with it. You will get sick of flushing the spindle gear oil every 2-3k miles. What a pain is a$$!

So STILL to date, no one has SAS'ed a 3rd gen?

So STILL to date, no one has SAS'ed a 3rd gen?

No. Mack was in the process of doing it, but his garage burned down and so did the Mountianeer.

Your turn;)

No. Mack was in the process of doing it, but his garage burned down and so did the Mountianeer.

Your turn;)
Funny though, I saw a burned up truck, but no burned mounty. He stated the mounty was finished and driving, but I saw no evidence of this.

Forgive me if I missed it-


Whats that back there?

Funny though, I saw a burned up truck, but no burned mounty. He stated the mounty was finished and driving, but I saw no evidence of this.

Forgive me if I missed it-

Hmmmmm, let me reread what was posted because I would have sworn that he said he lost it in the fire?

Hmmmmm, let me reread what was posted because I would have sworn that he said he lost it in the fire?

Yes, I see no carcass . He was sure to post the pickup though. :confused:

Where am I going with this? ;)

No. Mack was in the process of doing it, but his garage burned down and so did the Mountianeer.

Yeah I caught that

Also caught several references of "can't post pictures from my phone"

So never got to see any progress pictures

The plot thickens and the mystery grows deeper.

i dont think your gonna for a while. the front is relatively simple, its tha back thatll take some work, that throw in with the cost of the truck and it seems to scare people away.

im make you a deal, someone give (as in free) me a good running 3rd gen and ill have at it. :D
