Automatic Transmission Takes Longer and longer to shift/gear up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Automatic Transmission Takes Longer and longer to shift/gear up


New Member
February 7, 2024
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Aurora, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport
I own a 2014 Ford Explorer Sport. In the years leading up to the following incident, there has never been anything wrong with the car. Within the past month, the automatic transmission has taken more and more time to gear up. You can hear the engine rev because it should be gearing up but it waits a weird amount of time. Typically I have to let off on the gas pedal and wait for it to gear up for 1-3 seconds because the tachometer shows that the engine is getting close to red lining. To clarify I do drive the vehicle hard and this issue happens when "accelerating quickly" I was wondering if there was anything that I could do to get it back to normal short of replacing the transmission. It makes the driving experience unbearable to drive "quickly" so any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. 130,000 miles, no check engine light on.

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Have you ever had the transmission fluid changed?

I own a 2014 Ford Explorer Sport. In the years leading up to the following incident, there has never been anything wrong with the car. Within the past month, the automatic transmission has taken more and more time to gear up. ..............................................
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Try changing the fluid as ExPlat alluded to. That has cured a few transmission issues.


Mine is doing something similar at the moment. Dealer can't recreate and it doesn't throw any codes. So here I sit until it breaks and gets us killed.

Mine is doing something similar at the moment. Dealer can't recreate and it doesn't throw any codes. So here I sit until it breaks and gets us killed.
Have you tried doing as suggested above?


The transmission was rebuilt by the dealer 18 months ago and has 18k miles on it. I don't think it's a dirty fluid thing.
Might have been a good thing to have mentioned that initially. Did the dealer provide any kind of warranty on the rebuild?
Have you tried disconnecting the negative battery cable for a while and then reconnecting to put the transmission into the 'relearn' mode?


Might have been a good thing to have mentioned that initially. Did the dealer provide any kind of warranty on the rebuild?
Have you tried disconnecting the negative battery cable for a while and then reconnecting to put the transmission into the 'relearn' mode?

Thought you'd be aware: Transmission Slipping - Updated 8/23/22 Back in the shop!

The dealer has not outright said they'd warranty it. But the service manager understood my frustration and had said he'd work something out. But until it fails or starts throwing codes, I'm SOL.

Thought you'd be aware: Transmission Slipping - Updated 8/23/22 Back in the shop!

The dealer has not outright said they'd warranty it. But the service manager understood my frustration and had said he'd work something out. But until it fails or starts throwing codes, I'm SOL.
Too many posts to keep track of between the 2 forums I'm on. It also happens when identical issues are posted in more than 1 thread.
I'd be very surprised if this will be covered under warranty but a discount is possible. Good luck.

