AWD vs 4WD Hub Assembly | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AWD vs 4WD Hub Assembly


Explorer Addict
June 19, 2006
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Lincoln MKS EcoBoost
I was previously under the impression that both the 4.0 4WD Explorers and the 5.0 AWD Explorers utilize the same hub assembly, but while doing some price research, I've run across a few part numbers that specifically note that they are for one or the other, but none of them say both.

I actually don't even need hub assemblies, but I'm having a low speed ABS issue and the rear sensor has already been replaced. Rather than spend $90 on the new front sensor by itself, I can spend $100 and get a new hub assembly with a sensor included. However, the hub assembly that is priced at $100 is one of the ones that specifically notes that it is for a 4WD. The one that says AWD is $170. If there is, in fact, a difference, then I'll just buy the sensor by itself and save $80.

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You are (were) correct, they utilize the same hub assembly.
They also share the same front diff and CV axles.

I suspected that it was just the parts stores making things more difficult than they need to be. Now that we've confirmed that the hub assembly itself is interchangeable, what about the ABS sensor? Is there any difference between the 4WD and AWD sensors?

Nope, no difference. They are part of the hub when they are shipped.
