Axle ratio from VIN code | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Axle ratio from VIN code


May 2, 2000
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Is it possible to determine the axle ratio on a 94 Explorer from just the VIN number?

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I am also wondering what gear ratio mine has. On the door label, under the part that says axle it says 41, what ratio is it?

I got this off a post several weeks ago. I would think it would apply to all year model Explorers. Hope it helps. Apparently the VIN does not provide info concerning axle ratio.

Axle codes come off the door sticker.
43 = Regular 3.08
41 = Regular 3.27
45 = Regular 3.55
D4 = Limited Slip 3.73

95 XLT 4X2 4.0L OHV
AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants & Filters
NGK Platinum Plugs
Jacobs Electronics Wires
Monroe Reflex Shocks
PIAA 9007 Headlight Bulbs
Info and Ordering for AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants - Dead Link Removed

[This message has been edited by AgExplorer (edited 05-05-2000).]

AG explorer....Thanks for info. BTW, I'm considering using AMSOIL diff lube. Have you tried it? Thoughts? I use AMSOIL outboard lube now in 85HP Yamaha with good results. How bout tranny oil and eng oil? Need feedback before changing over. Anyone else got info? - Thanks to all.

I highly recommend all AMSOIL products. I have them from front to back in all my vehicles. Motor oil, oil and air filter, ATF, gear lube, and grease. They will outperform anything on the market today. Everything runs better, lower maintenance costs, better fuel economy, less wear. Glad to hear that you are pleased with the 2-Cycle oil you are using in your Yamaha. Would you mind sending me an e-mail with any specific questions you may have?

95 XLT 4X2 4.0L OHV
AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants & Filters
NGK Platinum Plugs
Jacobs Electronics Wires
Monroe Reflex Shocks
PIAA 9007 Headlight Bulbs
Info and Ordering for AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants - Dead Link Removed

Actually, I do have Q's. Lost 2 bearing protectors on boat trailer yesterday. I noticed grease (Gen duty lubrimatic) thin and light gray...obviously not a waterproof grease. Anyway does AMSOIL carry such a hi-temp, w/p grease?
Q#2: will diff lube run quieter and cooler than o/e and will axle bearings be sufficiently protected?
Q#3: I don't know the previous owner's maint habits on A/T fluid changes, so for safety's sake can i drain/flush/refill w/ new filter by taking AMSOIL stuff w/me to dealer/mechanic?

sorry for double post, but I noticed and checked out AMSOIL webpage...specs sound right, other satisfied customers got anything pos/neg to add?

The waterproof grease (item# GWR-CR) will solve your problem with bearing failure on your trailer.

The gear lube (TGR-QT) will run 20 to 50 degrees cooler and provide the best protection for your vehicle. We have had reports of quieter running differentials after changing out the gear lube. Class 8 trucks using this product have experienced a 5% improvement in fuel economy.

Yes, you can take the ATF to whoever you choose to have them do the flush and change out. The ATF will also reduce operating temperatures in your tranny 20 to 50 degrees and provide up to 3 times longer service life that conventional trans fluid. Since you are pulling a boat, the ATF and gear lube will give your Explorer the protection it needs to give you thousands of miles of trouble free service.

Thank you for your questions. We appreciate the opportunity to answer them.

95 XLT 4X2 4.0L OHV
AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants & Filters
NGK Platinum Plugs
Jacobs Electronics Wires
Monroe Reflex Shocks
PIAA 9007 Headlight Bulbs
Info and Ordering for AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants - Dead Link Removed

AgExplorer...Will wonders never cease! Found local guy who sells Amsoil product line from his home and he's hooked up with the mfg'er and everything. I can get it all thru him. Picked up w/proof b. grease &
100:1 2-cycle oil yesterday. Now all I gotta do is R&R axle bearings so I can fish and then start changing fluids in 94 E. Bauer. Thanks for input.


Great to hear you found everything you were looking for. If you are interested in purchasing AMSOIL products at a discount, send me and e-mail or ask the guy you are buying from.

95 XLT 4X2 4.0L OHV
AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants & Filters
NGK Platinum Plugs
Jacobs Electronics Wires
Monroe Reflex Shocks
PIAA 9007 Headlight Bulbs
Info and Ordering for AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants - Dead Link Removed

I am going to move this to the drivetrain forum.

Ryan Penner
1992 Explorer Sport Modified
