AZ Run Photos!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AZ Run Photos!!

That's good to know that it's still out there going along. :D I am sure Jack would've liked that.... Just from the few times I had a chance to chat with him. :)

Huh, the pic shows up on mine. Maybe cause I have already checked the pic out?

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Thanks Rick!
I had a blast. You just cant beat 3 days of wheelin in beautiful weather. Making new friends and becoming aquainted with old friends whom you have only spoken with on this forum. What a great weekend! Thanks to you and Char for putting this together and for all the hospitality that you two have shown. You went above and beyond just setting up a run and taking some freinds out on the trail. I think I can speak for the entire crew, Thanks.

P.S. I have some pics, I will e-mail them to you to post.

Here is another one that shows my poor ability to take a picture. Some day I'll learn to catch the action while getting the whole truck in the pic.


It's been said before, and I'll say it again. You can do things in a stock explorer you never would have thought. I have to give props to Alec on not being strapped, but I showed a couple of doubters up by not needing a strap either :D

I got in about an hour ago, and I'm at work now, but all in all it was a safe drive home.

I'd like to say that I had a great time. It was an honor and a pleasure to meet everyone, and I hope to see you all again very soon. Thanks Rick and Char for having us over at your humble abode. And thank you again Robert for saving me on Saturday.

Kevin - if you want me to upload and host those pics, then lemme know.

I had a great time and can't wait to see you all again soon.

I'll be getting my pics up as soon as I can...

For those of you who were on the AJAX run with me on Sunday. I apologies for the backtracking we did and I hope you all had a great time, I sure did. I look forward to seeing you again on the trail and next time I should know where the He11 we are going.

Oh yeah I bought that engine and tranny.

Funny Story,
When we ended the run we came out at the same point we entered (Flag Pole). I pulled up first next to a couple of people that were loading a trailer and getting a vehicle ready for a flat tow. The Tow vehicle was a lowered 80 dually. In the back I noticed there was a 5.0 sitting in there. I jokingly said, " You guys allways bring an extra engine on the runs with you" They laughed and a guy said its for sale if you want it. I walked up to him and my cousin came with, he was wearing my 4Wheelers Supply shirt and the guy said nice shirt. I looked at him closely and he looked familiar. I said do you work at 4WS or something and he said Sure do. He asked if we were part of your crew. He said he sold you the swampers. It was Dave! Pretty small world. Anyway he sold me a 5.0 HO out of a 86 Lincoln town car. It comes complete witht he harnes and computer. He threw in the AXOD 4 speed electric auto tranny all for 600 bucks! Is that a good tranny for the swap?
Small world

Great Time!

We had a great time also. Thanks once again to Rick and Char for an outstanding weekend! Nice pics Rick!
I look forward to Robert's pics too.
Heading out now to buy another Hi-Lift, floor jack, torsion bolts, three inch body lift, trim, and CB. (My CB died on the trail)

The last pic I sent had my damage from the Ajax trail.
It looks like the same one I got the first time I did Raw Deal with you only now its on the rear door.

I wish Zimmerman would finish the sliders for my truck:D

Has anyone checked to see if that Arizona run club has a web page? We might get mentioned as the "jackass Explorer group" :rolleyes: :D

Hammer - congrats on the new engine! That was pretty out of the blue

Rick G. - Let us know how that torsion bar turns out...glad you made it on home with no problems.

Doug - What is the name of your friend with the jeep? I just wanted to say thanks to him for the help with the tire and say that it was a pleasure wheeling with both of you. I'd be honored to do it again, and hopefully we'll get to see each other at Moab or somewhere else on a trail...

I just wanted to say one more thing - I'd like to thank everyone for the patience they had while I was changing my tires. Everyone was a great help, but just wanted to say thanks again.

And for anyone that hasn't noticed, check out the new "nickname beside the nickname" as Char and I referred to it :D Thanks Rick!

Kevin, as I said before your photos aren't showing up. I believe you need to give us a link to your album and not to the individual photos. Or have them hosted by Two Tone.

Who's is this?

And what does it have for suspension and tires?

Jared, hey thanks for the kudos of sorts, Jeff (G Cherokee) will be happy. We both had a blast; even though he was not going to do the run at all, it was purely incidental and a mis-communication on my part; but at least everyone was cool about it.... (Rick, it was far from planned.... he didn't understand that he couldn't park at the trail-head, and expect that the trail doubled back to meet his parked truck.... oh well all's well that end's well) He had a really good time.
Jared, you drove REAL well... all the challenge of negotiating obstacles for you will come in handy later and you'll do better than anyone with big tires and no skill.
I think it should be mandatory that after run's; everyone post a mug-shot or something similar so that the faces and trucks stick in our memory.... thanks again everyone for a really good time.
Douglas (the white sport trac).
ps; Jared I want to mail you a lug nut to make up for that odd-ball one!

The "Twisted Metal" Explorer belongs to the other Jared, who is eosmotorsports on the board.

I'm extremely jealous

Obviously, what a great weekend. I'm sorry I was way too far away to join. Rick if you make this a yearly thing I'll do my best to be there next time around. I'm glad everyone had a great time!

BTW, I was noticing your carnage list. Did anyone make it out of Raw Deal unscathed? :roll:

I sure wish we had photos of the "cop" pulling up to our house Saturday night with his lights rolling. That sure freaked a bunch of people out :D Just our neighbor Brandon though :D He's a really good guy and stopped by for drinks and videos when he got off work at midnight.

Saturday night was a major wrenching session for Winter. He never stopped from the time we got home from the run until he left at about 11:30. A few of the things Winter worked on were, Tom Rios' Navajo which needed a U-joint, and new spring lift blocks, Sinjin's Sport which needed a hub and a ball joint, my Explorer needed the tie rod end ground down a bit (he wouldn't even let me work on my own truck!) and several others that I can't even remember. THANKS WINTER!

To add to the carnage list, Paul Bredehoft blew out a front tire on the freeway at 60+ MPH. Contrary to popular opinion, Paul's Explorer didn't roll on it's lid when the tire blew. He got it safely off the road even with the 4" long gapping slash in the sidewall.


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I think Ray made it out without a scratch, but he opted out of the "Upper Raw Deal" section.


Hey Everyone!

We made it back home to Dana Point, safe and sound, without incident at about 5 PM, Pacific Std. time. We really want to say that we had a blast, and what a super group on this run! Thanks Rick and Char (pronounced "SHHHAR");) for organizing this thing, and for hosting the party at your house Saturday night. Thanks Rick for your help with quelling that pesky little electrical fire in the middle of the hill obstacle on day 2 :D Also thanks to everybody who showed up and made it a super run! Let's plan to make it an annual event like Truckhaven, and I'm sure some others of us wouild be happy to help with the planning, coordinating and hosting so R & C don't get stuck with all the headaches!

BTW: All of the Ex groups on the runs organized through this board that we've attended have been great. Not so with some 'Mixed" groups we've run with...too much "attitude" and whining!

Rockranger Matt: You're right, I'm running 33's, but not the BFG 33x10.50 AT's you saw at T-Haven. These are 33x12.50 BFG Mudders, on steel wheels that used to belong to RangerX.

Pics of the run to follow after I edit ours to cull dupes and near dupes!

Were back, and I had a GREAT TIME!!! It was nice meeting new people and thanks Rick & Char for everything (even Breakfest on Sat. morning). Hammer97 looking forward to wheeling with you again soon. And Rick, I was going 80 mph. when my MTR tire blew out and it was the front right tire. Thanks to the Froader crew for coming to the rescue. :D

Ray I really liked this seried of shots Deb took of my Exploder!




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