Bad Tie Rod? (Pics) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bad Tie Rod? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
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City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
Hey everyone, I'm back with some more questions. This site always helps and hopefully I can get this issue resolved with this forum's help. My truck would drift to the right above 40 mph. It still did it after I got my new tires and alignment. So now I suspect the tie rods. At this point I think It's just the passenger side but I'd like some opinions.

I'm not sure why the tire place didn't tell me about it if they saw it:

It looks a little off compared to the driver's:

Sorry if it's obvious that it's bad I just need some help because I'm not really too experienced with this X's suspension yet, I've only done the shocks and got my leafs re arched(the torsion bars are still a mystery to me).

Also if I'm correct there are two outer rods and two inner ones? What should I replace while I'm getting it fixed, just the bad one or all four and the sleeves? I'm thinking all four since they've never been replaced.

Dora and I thank you for any help lol. :salute:

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Is there any play in the joint?
My right front tie rod end always winds up in that position.
If there's no play, and it took an alignment, then the end is fine.

well, if there was a bad tie rod the alignment shop would have told you as it will not align with worn or bad parts.
the drift is usually caused by the caster of the wheel being off causing the side it drifts to to drag the tire, like it is behind the other too far,

I would say if it drifts to the right it's an alignment issue not a tie rod ,,

Hey everyone, I'm back with some more questions. This site always helps and hopefully I can get this issue resolved with this forum's help. My truck would drift to the right above 40 mph. It still did it after I got my new tires and alignment. So now I suspect the tie rods. At this point I think It's just the passenger side but I'd like some opinions.

I'm not sure why the tire place didn't tell me about it if they saw it:

It looks a little off compared to the driver's:

Sorry if it's obvious that it's bad I just need some help because I'm not really too experienced with this X's suspension yet, I've only done the shocks and got my leafs re arched(the torsion bars are still a mystery to me).

Also if I'm correct there are two outer rods and two inner ones? What should I replace while I'm getting it fixed, just the bad one or all four and the sleeves? I'm thinking all four since they've never been replaced.

Dora and I thank you for any help lol. :salute:
CAMBER will also cause a vehicle to pull one way or the other. If the shop did not set the camber to allow for the crown of the road, you will get a pull, drift, to the right. You want the right side to be 0 to maybe -1/2 degree, and the left side to be +1/2 degree. Or something in that range. The main thing is to have the left side slightly more positive than the right. I have had many shops do alignments, and the vehicle drive like crap. End up doing it myself. No, I don't have an alignment rack, just some common sense, and years of experience.

In your picture I can see up through the top of your sway bar on that side. Check and see if that's broken. I'm surprised the shop didn't check that.

+2 on the passenger side end link, surprised it wasn't making clunking noise.
I experienced right side drift after I blew out a right Moog end link bushing.
Tightened both sides just snug. Drives straight now, with no drift or pulling.

The front sway bar links were replaced about two years ago, I always thought it was a little loose on the passenger side. How much should it be tightened? Do i need a torque wrench or just normal tools? I wanna try to tighten it before I go to replace it.

Just snug, with wheels straightened on the ground. Reason for most aftermarket end link failures is due to over tightening.
The factory torque spec of 18 ft/lbs doesn't apply because of the OEM's hard bushing design vs. aftermarket poly or rubber.

Ok cool, I'll give it a shot.

Definitely gotta tighten that end link. I will say though that the tie rod does look like it has excessive play in it from the picture, but it could be deceiving. That looks just about as bad as mine that I just replaced, but I was getting bad shaking symptoms when I would turn slightly left.
