before I got the rockcrawlers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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before I got the rockcrawlers



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I love the look of rock crawlers. How much did they run you and do you plan on using center caps at all?

I bought them from a guy on this site bro. If you can't find use ones they ran a friend of mine exactly $198 at discount tire to buy the wheels and have them mounted on his old tires. I didn't buy center caps cause I'm kind of a fan of just the plain black look but I might eventually. If I do I'll post pics.

Looks good. It's a start, now lift it!

Looks good

I know I can get them from quite a few places, just wondered how much you ended up getting them for. I like yours with or without center caps, looks a lot more tough than the stock rims. I've seen some with people using the stock center caps which still looked good.

I got mine for $100 which saved me like $60 and the guy had seriously used them for maybe a week. No scratches, no rust, nothing, all still shiny and they still had the sticky stuff on them on the inside where they had been shipped.

Originally posted by sapogmxr
Looks good. It's a start, now lift it!

My thoughts also.

I like both, but I like the first pic first. What size are those stock rims, 16? What size tire? Those tires look sweet. I am in the market for tires right now.

yea i don't mind it with the stock rims, i think it look good, but the rockcrawlers look a bit better...keep it up man...:chug:
