Before I started to mod it.....and after. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Before I started to mod it.....and after.

I bought the X from my sister in Early July `04. It had no rear Glass (hence the blue tarp) for atleast a year, 2 flat tires, and last but not least, a Blown 4.0L engine. Here is what I paid $200 for:

Here is a pic I took last week. Since July I have: Shaved, lowered, and installed all new exterior lighting. Next on the list is a 98+ LED brake light, only I will mount it UNDER the rear hatch glass, instead of above it.

THEN we spent a few HOURS cleaning it...


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Dang bro, you have done a really nice job

Awesome job man! :thumbsup:

whats done with the motor? Is it another 4.0?

how bad does that suck not having the rear wiper? can u even see out the back when it's raining/snowing?

TJM623 said:
how bad does that suck not having the rear wiper? can u even see out the back when it's raining/snowing?
I doubt it sucks. The rear wiper is almost useless, at least on my X.

thats what side mirrors are for :)

Is your sister mad? hahaha
Nice work, another Gen I resurected, I respect that huge.

Damn what a difference

Awesome job! I bet that took alotta work....

Lookin good, all you need is a rollpan now.

huskyfan23 said:
I doubt it sucks. The rear wiper is almost useless, at least on my X.

Yes, the VERY few times I've used mine it does absolutely no good.

You're the man. Fawkin sweet X.

i dunno in the winter specially with blowing snow i really need the wiper,

That looks awesome! I'd say add a roll pan, but seeing what you've done so far, you probably already have that on the to-do list. ;) Nice job man. :cool:

A roll pan is DEFINITLY on the list.....

Thanks for the compliments! I have alot of pics of the progress, but the biggest difference is what is shown.

The lack of a rear wiper was actually a plus for me. It's that many less holes I had to fill! I have a rear wiper on my wife's X, and we use it every once in a while, but I keep a good treatment of Rain-X on the glass at all times. The one thing that I don't have, but have thought about adding is a rear defrost. If you have no wiper, you also have no rear defrost. It EVENTUALLY clears up, but it takes about 10 min to do it. Instead of 1-2 min. like a heated glass one would.

The motor is just another stock 4.0L from a `93 X. It had 67k on it when I installed it. Now it has 71k.


looks great!!!

i really miss my rear wiper. im kicking myself after shaving it. bit it looks so clean and smooth i can deal with just need to carry a sqeegy with me. my wiper works great BTW.

wow! thats awesome, i love to see those rims on 1st gens, great job!

I certainly didnt expect that, nice job.

I have done a few more things to it since I last posted.....

Tinted Windows
BBK Throttle Body
2.5" Cat-Back w/ Edelbrock RPM Muffler
Hurst Shifter

I have 'in the mail' (tracking # says it'll be here on Friday July 1) my Drop I-beams, and Drop Leafs for the rear.....also ordered the Stillen Ground Effects (L&R sides only), and Limited Grille....need the Ltd. Bumper now....

I'll get pics tomorrow...


Sweet. Do post pics upon completetion.

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I just got the Hurst shifter (in my sig - Elite Registry) and it is sooooooo worth the money. That's saying alot considering the price tag on them. :eek: Like j602 said, post some pics when it's done, I bet it'll be awesome! :thumbsup:
