Bhults's 95 Eddie | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bhults's 95 Eddie

How I got here: I became a registered user of Serious Explorations back in August of 2003. Initially, I had been searching Yahoo! to see if I could find any performance parts for my Explorer. I stumbled upon, and the rest is history. As I began to peruse the many threads available here, I began to realize that there was a whole lot more I could do to my truck than just make it perform better. Before me, I saw a whole bunch of cool stuff that I thought I could do to really make my Explorer stand out among the sea of grocery getting soccer mom X's---and it wasn't until I found this website that I even considered lifting my truck. With around 70 posts under my belt, I decided I wanted to be Elite. I wanted to have a cool avatar---and I was so thrilled that I fixed my IAC from the info I found here, that I figured this would be $30 bucks well spent. I wasn't wrong.

A little background on me: My name's Bill and I'm 24 years old. I've lived in New Jersey, on the water at the Jersey Shore, all my life. I graduated from The College of New Jersey (it sounds fake, doesn't it?) in 2002, and I'm a Voice Network Administrator for the State of New Jersey. In a nutshell, I run a digital phone network for one of the largest state agencies in New Jersey. Amazingly, it works just like a data network--except it carries voice traffic and people get a lot more pissed when it doesn't work. They eventually get over it though. :p Shortly after I graduated from school, I hit a deer with the car I had had since I got my license: A 1990 Ford Thunderbird Supercoupe. Like anyone's first car, I loved that thing. It was a real money pit though. Being fresh outta college with no job yet, I decided it would be more economical to repair the T-Bird and try to get a few more miles out of it than buy something new (used) least I knew the history of the 'Bird. So, $2300 worth of body work later, I had her back. Three months after that, it blew the head and she was dead. What a waste! I was able to sell it for a grand though, so it wasn't a total loss. After being car-less for a few months, my mom told me that a friend of her's was looking to sell her Explorer. Begger's can't be chooser's, so I definately considered her truck to be an option. I didn't think it would be in my price range being as though it was an Eddie Bauer and the Blue Book Value seemed to be more than I could pull together. Turns out that the woman had put a brand new trans in it, had bought a Volvo and was ready to ditch the X. Being a family friend and all, she sold the truck to me for $4800. The truck was flawless: one very minor dent in the rear hatch, perfect paint, and EVERY option---even the factory grille guard. I was totally psyched to get my hands on this truck--it was May, we were going into summer, and I was finally able to haul my jet skiis to a race behind something cooler than my Mom's Bonneville.

My Mod's and Future Mod's: I debated with myself for a while: Did I want to 'pimp' this truck, or did I want to lift it? A lot of guys in my town are running around with a lifted this, or a lifted that...but no lifted Explorer's. And it seems like everyone and their baby's' daddy is pimpin' an Escalade or some other too-big-for-a-soccermom-to-handle SUV on 20's. My mind was set...I was going UP.
With some research and thread-posting, I figured I'd start simple. I purchased the Warrior Shackles first....and then found out that AAL's would help also (being as though I had the infamous butt-sag). I found out that Sk1er17 (Matt) lives very nearby, and I began consulting with him as far as what I needed to buy and do to get the show on the road. I ended up buying the double AAL's instead of the single. Of course, up front I did the good ol' Torsion Twist to gain some lift. So far, I've installed the Shack's and the AAL's and completed the TT. I knew that I wanted to go with 32's instead of 31's, because I knew that I would inevitabley go bigger and I figured 32's would satisfy me for a while (at least).

Right now I'm playing the waiting game. I ordered the ProComp All-Terrain's from 4 Wheel Parts. For the longest time I wanted to go with BFG's, but in talking with Sk1er, I found out that the ProComp is a very capable tire that (unfortunately) doesn't look too aggressive on the computer screen, but is hella-good in real life. I took his word for it, saved a couple hundred because of 4WP's 3 for 1 deal, and am awaiting delievery of these beauty's mounted on AE 589's. I expect to be doing some trimming, but it's all good. I'm way excited. Expect pictures soon! My future mods will most likely include a body lift, a slammin' audio system (Being an audiophile is my other hobby :) ), and anything else I find I "need". As Matt put it last Sunday, "The bug's bitten you, man." Indeed.

If you've read this far, I thank you. I also thank this entire board for being a fun, informative, and friendly place to be. I've read many posts on other boards and the flaming and berating that goes on elsewhere is discouraging. You truly are a stand-up group of people who I certainly am proud to be associated with. Thank you! :bounce:


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Here's shot of my truck just after the I installed the shackles. The torsion twist hadn't been done yet.


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....After TT/DBL AAL/Shackles and 32's:


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1st Trip Out

This past weekend I got to test out my mods and see how well they worked off road. It's my firm belief that this was my truck's very first time off-road...I seriously doubt the 65 year-old woman I bought it from went mudding often :confused: . I was lucky enough to be invited out into the Pine Barrens of NJ with Matt (Sk1er17), and Carlos (Sapogmxr). We had two J**p's join us as well. All in all, a very fun day...except for poor Carlos who Hydrolocked while we were out there.

(L to R) Bhults, Sk1er17, J**p, J**p, Sapogmxr


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I was pretty nervous about going thru this....but I was the last one to cross, and figured if a stock Wrangler (with a chick behind the wheel) could make it, I sure as hell could.


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I wish that ControlTrac could make up it's damn mind sometimes. I guess there's +'s and -'s to each model. In my case, the + is that it's in 2WD all the time....the - is that I don't have a 4HIGH setting, I have 4AUTO. It wasn't until this trip that I really understood how it worked. When it discovers slippage, it sends torque up front. This lends itself to strange steering wheel feedback. You feel the power coming on and off, instead of a constant XFER of power to all 4 corners. It worried me a bit when I was climbing this one hill, which wasn't too steep, but was pretty rutted out. The system seems to work though! Here, I'm coming down this hill.


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Awsome pictures man. I love the water shot.. Wish i coulda been there :(

Hey bud...thanx...we had fun. So'd ya get yer **** fixed up yet? My parents feel HORRIBLE for you...they ask me almost everyday "Did that boy get his truck fixed yet?" I think they're ready to adopt...guess I'm not good enough anymore! Anywayz, I was just checking out your cardomain page---holy muddy! I don't think I've seen those pics before---the look on Joe's face is pricless!

HAHA. Im picking up the new engine on monday.. Should be done with in a month.. Only costing $1885. :D

Bill.. thanks for blaming me for most of your mods. And to let everyone know- its my goal to convince him to go with perry's fenders next. I got him on the edge, i know he's thinking about it :D

And carlos got his truck running the other night. He's a freakin champ when it comes to his personaility with that thing. I dont think he's said 1 bad thing about what happened.. its always stuff like "this engine runs awesome".. lol he even did his
Only costing $1885.
with a :D

id be like.. "yea, guess how much its costing.. $1885 :eek: "

But its cool... we're gonna have a snorkel building party one day. You should join us bill- that water was mighty deep :)

Thanks for chiming in at my little piece of the web here..... Well, yes and no...I wouldn't exactly BLAME you for my mods....but, I will say that you helped ENABLE it with all of your good advice and info. WOW, that great that Carlos is back up and running. Yes, I'm thinking snorkels might be a good idea---for ALL of us. We don't want another "accident." :D

It Runs Fing Awsome guys!!! It started first shot too!!

Yours is the OHV right? Damn, you have like, a brand new truck now.

bhults said:
Yours is the OHV right? Damn, you have like, a brand new truck now.
Yes OHV.. It's brand new accept for the tranny. Eventually that will go.

Those are some nice looking pics Bill. Wish I could be out there rolling my stock arse arond the Pines. Oh, well, guess I'll just have to settle for sand a big rocks for a while. I will deffinately look you up the next time I'm back home, too bad I don't have much family left in Jersey. I'll work something out. Actually, my brother is getting married in Sept back in Jersey, and my Mom is going to fly us out there. Maybe we could get together. That is, of course, as long as I'm not out of the country at the time, if you know what I mean.

Yo, you BETTER make sure that you look me up if you get all the way out here...NTM that I know right where your roots are, and I'm not that far away....70W, baby! I've got your number stored in my phone, so just give a call.

Well, I think I lost your #, but as long as the "post your phone#" thread is still open, I can find it anywhere. Do me a favor and PM it to me so I can find it if need be. We'll deffinately get together if I get out that way, and you better contact me if you ever make it out west.
