BIG change in plan' tires this week! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BIG change in plan' tires this week!

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ok..i lost my rim's on e-bay with 7sec's left..but i made the guy pay 🔥 so im going to get new tires on my stock rim's THIS WEEK :chug: :thumbsup: :) im so happy so i took all my rim's/tires off and put my dad's stud's on it for the mean time..i like the look with my dad's tires/rim's(i wouldent want them all the time) but his tires fill up the wheel well's better..anyway her's pic's with my dad's stud's..hopfully i will have some pic's of new tires(31's i think) soon

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That sucks that he undercut you; however, that's how I got my $305 FX4s :)

Keep your eye on eBay for more, and this time, submit a bid for about 25 more than your final bid with 15 seconds left. That way, you can possibly avoid having it happen again.

Hey.... your explorer has no side mirrors man, just incase you haven't already gotten pulled over for it, might want to get that fixed.

He's getting them painted Seafoam Green... Well, whatever that green is. :) Estate green? Medium Pine Wood Green? I can't remember what Ford calls it. :)

Why dont you get some 32s?

cause 32's are 2 not sure i even want 31's but that's what im picking up tommorow(sp?)..getting cooper 31's..not sure exactly what ones..but they are kinda agressave(sp?) well atleast enough for me..and i would like to be able to lower it back down if i want(to stock) for whatever reson

BTW.Evergreen frost green..and it's ok..i don't think i want different rim's going to keep these as my summer tire's/rim's and then get some winter rim's at the junk i will be happy..but i think i will get some new center cap's for my stock rim's..mine are dented

I dont get you! Your Mom doesnt have enough dough for insurance, but your buying new tires for a explorer that travels less then ten miles a week. Dude thats your Mom honestly! I would sell my explorer just to know my Mom was safe.

Go for the 31s. 30s look small on a normal heigth Explorer.

You would want smaller than 31s? I don't understand, I'd try to get the biggest that I could fit. How about some Goodyear Wrangler RT/S? I had those before and they were good all around tires with decent aggressive looking sidewalls.

my mom is safe..she has he money..i have mine..she won't take any from anyone else..and im not selling my truck(how could you think of that IT'S MINE)..i need somthing to drive when i get my licn also..her truck run's fine..and BTW she got her tag's..and she is suppoed to be getting insurance this dad has my money in a joint account with me.. my mom and dad are devorced have been for along my money is mine her's is her' tires money is coming out of my collage/insurance money..i am goign to need that money soon..

anyway here's one last pic with the old tires by the truck

i cleaned up my spair


im so dang excited to see them on the truck!!

Robb said:
Did I miss the "BIG" change?

the BIG change was i was going to get 16" 99-01 limited rim's..then i dident get im going to just get 31"s

yeah im going to get 31's..and if i don't like them they have a 10 day return polocy(sp?)

birdman said:
Hey.... your explorer has no side mirrors man, just incase you haven't already gotten pulled over for it, might want to get that fixed.
they are getting painted..along with some other truck has not seen the road sense time i need gas it will see the road

6 pics, and no new tires. Why lift it 4 inches just to get an 31" tire. Go big, or go home.

Mbrooks420 said:
6 pics, and no new tires. Why lift it 4 inches just to get an 31" tire. Go big, or go home.

Preach it Rev.

Mbrooks420 said:
6 pics, and no new tires. Why lift it 4 inches just to get an 31" tire. Go big, or go home.

cause that's not my thing..i don't ned big tires..they only cause more of a problem..i just need the extra clearance from the lift..31's after school tommorow..WITH PIC'S!

and i like the look of room in the wheel well's

Your not making any since. It's like saying your buy a hug amp and listen to music not even loud. You lift it to fit LARGER tires. To fit 31's you could have done a lot less work.

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I agree, you make no sense, buddy.

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