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Body Bushing Removal tip


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2005
Reaction score
So far I have been able to remove the bushings without much trouble. But I cannot remove the one that is under the drivers side door (second from the front I believe). I did what the Daystar directions said (screwed bolt from bottom untill it is flush with the top washer and then hit with a punch from the top.) I hammered on that thing forever and cannot budge it. Any tips or tricks? I want to be able to do it without damaging the hardware since I cant find replacements.
Nick Good

If you can get it off, do that. How I'm not sure. I will be pulling all ten out of my 93 soon also. I likely will not use anything that comes off. I am using a 99 chassis, and its bolts/doghnuts.

You should be able to get something to replace it, if you can get it out. Good luck,
