boomerang shackles? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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boomerang shackles?

August 26, 2009
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City, State
Langley B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 sport
anybody heard of them or know where to get them i searched but could only find jeep ones. i heard they are better for the leafs

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The only problem is that they can open up quickly on downhill decents and cause roll overs. And you really need to work on making more flex in the front, not back.

But, if you want them, just measure how wide your shackles are and order them from the jeep sites, whatever width you need.

Boomerang shackes dont open they are in the shape of a boomerang opposed to a striaght line which allows more movement before bottoming out. theese are the ones i was gonna get for my cherokee

I wouldn't imagine they would do any good for an explorer, i have them for my jeep but only because they were on sale. On the rear of a jeep they are for clearing the frame/bumper so you get another few inches of suspension movement, and on the front they can help to prevent shackle inversion.

i thought they served the same purpose as the warrior shackles but were better for you leaf springs
