Bought By Who? You or Parents? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bought By Who? You or Parents?

buy your own?


    Votes: 134 74.4%
  • NO WAY! My P's bought me one

    Votes: 46 25.6%

  • Total voters


Explorer Addict
February 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Elgin, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Maxima SE-L *5spd
Hi, I am just curious how many people's explorers on here they actually bought themselves. I am just curious, now i know most of the older people probably bought their own, in that case refer to way back when (lol) you were younger.

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actually, my X was the spare car and my parents let me drive it when i totalled my car.... i made payments to them of $500 a month including insurance for like 5 months... but then in feb they kicked me out of the house and then i didnt pay for it anymore... it was we are kicking you out and giving you the X and will pay insurance for 6 months.... other than that see you later.....

well, i made the down payment, but then my parents paid for mine (i think theres still a year of payments left), but if we're talking insurance here, i pay for that, and i also do all my mods myself.

Originally posted by jimabena74
actually, my X was the spare car and my parents let me drive it when i totalled my car.... i made payments to them of $500 a month including insurance for like 5 months... but then in feb they kicked me out of the house and then i didnt pay for it anymore... it was we are kicking you out and giving you the X and will pay insurance for 6 months.... other than that see you later.....

they didnt give you any warning??? how did they expect you to find a place to live immediately? that sucks. but actually the same thing happened to me, only they didnt give me a car:(

i lived in my car for 2 months.... then end of april i totalled her and had to find a real place to live..... luckily i stayed with friends for 6 days.....

every car that i have had/owned came from my own blood and sweat. that includes insurance payment and maintenance. there were a few times i had to borrow money from my parents for unexpected maintenance expenses.

Mine was originally bought by my parents (for them) but I bought it off them when they decided to get a newer one.

I have bought my X and all other six cars with my own money. My parents never offered to but me a car and I'm glad they haven't. Teaches responsibility I think if you buy your own car.

Dad bought mine, thank god. No way I could have paid for one expecially a new one at like $800 a month or whatever it is he is paying!

My parents bought mine. I got it as a graduation present a year ago. I love it although I still love my old car (1998 Grand Cherokee Limited), which was totaled (it was not my fault, I promise).

its a close race in the polls, c'mon you boought it yourself cmon!

All by my-self, well except for the co-signing part, I pay for everything.

I agree, teaches you responsibility to buy your own. My parents let me use their 92 F-150 for a while when I turned 16, but I quickly turned around and bought a 98 F-150, which I sold for my 94 Explorer, which I still have but then bought a 96 Saturn, which I sold so now I have a 2000 F-150 as well. I've bought them all myself. On the other hands...
They bought my brother a 97 F-150 when he entered the military. he got married. They figured he needed a family wagon so they gave him our old aerostar, which he traded in plus $10,000 that he didn't have on a new camaro, which got reposessed so they bought him a saturn, which he totalled and now he's driving their 96 Explorer. Go figure.
Sister got a nice nissan pathfinder from the folks as well, which she totalled driving 60 in icy conditions, which they promptly turned around and picked her up an xterra.
Both of them are completely irresponsible. i'm the adopted one, LOL.

Bought my X myself, of coarse except for the co-signing but pay for everything myself . I also agree that it teaches you responsibility to buy your own.

i have bought and paid for every vehicle i have ever had (including my bike after i blew a motor on my monte carlo.)

i plan on buying my son's car soon (hes 21 months now.) sounds early but i want to get a classic like a 69 stang and do a frame up while he is growing up. i believe that he will learn mechanics and respect. the only thing that bugs me about kids with cars that their parents give them is that some of them dont appreciatte it at all. if my parents could have helped they might have and i tell you i would have appreciatted it, even when i was a snot nosed teen (of course now im just a snot nosed 24 year old.)

to all you guys that your parents gave you an x you should know that you have the best parents. go thank them right now fo r giving you a safe and capable vehicle. smart parents.

I guess I am one of the "older" group?

My first car WAS bought by my mom, but it wasn't an Explorer...

My Explorer was bought by ME. It actually was the very first vehicle with ONLY MY NAME ON IT!! Whoohoo! And, with my lovely new home ownership, I just took out an equity loan to pay it off. Checks in the mail... :D

I bought my 91 F150, my 92 Ford Explorer Sport, and my 94 Ford Escort.

My Grandpa just gave me his 92 4-door. So I donno where that leaves me?

I know, I know. I'm only 18, but guess what, I bought my 95 X EB myself. With my college co-op program, I make enough $$ for school and other stuff. The deal was set before I started looking at schools -- my rents would pay 1/2 of my tution, no matter where I went. I ended up at Kettering University (formerly General Motors Institute) and that gives me the chance to co-op 1/2 of the year. It is a really great program. I get hands on experience as soon as I start school (as a freshmen!) and I get paid. After my first semester of my freshman year, I bought my current X.

Paid for them all myself.
My son is already offering to buy me a new truck when he can afford it though. (I have to be patient, he is only 5)

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dad bought most of mine. i payed 2000 he payed 8000
i pay for insurance and i get most maitenince for free from my dads shop.
i bought my first car by my self. it was a bucket. thats how i got the 2k for the X. i sold the bucket. '81 toyota corolla hatch back. crap brown with brown leather interior and a messed up tranny. it was in good condition when i bought it. it only had 65k miles on it. but i abused that car. now i feel bad. it was a nice little car. kinda. well... it was a nice bucket, lets put it that way.
