Box and Subs Installed! Thanx Everyone! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Box and Subs Installed! Thanx Everyone!


Active Member
May 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Cleveland, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport 2Dr 4WD
I just wanted to thank everyone who helped my with all my questions concerning the designing and building of my subwoofer enclosure, and helping me out w/ my wiring questions. The final product looks and sounds perfect!:D I'm afraid of turnign the amp gain up too much in fear of blowing a sub on a song w/ loads of bass. (Ex. Ja Rule - Let's Ride)

Anyways Thanx Alot Everyone! You can take a look at the setup here. My system is located on the 2nd page:

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man... I miss the days when I had a small box


That looks sweet!!!!!!!

couple things, first off, it doesnt look like youve bridged your amp... or am i just looking at that picture wrong. second, are those kappas or kappa perfects, thanks man

his amp is bridged, it's bridged internally so it doesn't matter which two terminals you use.

there ya go, dont know much about JBL's, thanks for answering

I wish some big company made boxes like that for my ford explorer! I like using my cover in the back

Lookin good

I like the neon setup. Prolly gives it a good vibe while driving at night.

I plan on doing a similar setup in the future (w/ blacklights most likely), and that just gives me all the more motivation to do it.

Oh yea, I like the box too :p But it looks like 12s would sit even happier back there.


Thanx for all the positve feedback!:D liquidx9 - the amp is bridged to 600w RMS at 2ohm internally coming out to one terminal cup. metalhed - I love my neons, all my friends saw them and went out to get internal neons too (except in diff. colors). I also just purchased a set of 10" green neon rings that go around the subs off of Ebay. I had been searching for them for a while because it seems like color green is rare, but there are alot of blue ones for sale. I also was going for more SQ then SPL w/ this setup so I decided against the 12's.

Thanks For All The Comments!
