Brake pad or Bearing? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake pad or Bearing?


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
A few days ago my right fron tire area started making a vibrating type humming noise when deccerating. It is most notable when taking the foot off the gas and rolling to a stop, I hear it the most around 35mph.

There is no feeling in the steering wheel and it seems as if the caliper is not sticking. I know the pads are very low but wonder if it could be the wheel bearing acting up.

The tire seems to be rolling smoothly so I am confused, as it does not show any of the symptoms associated with a sticky caliper, red hot roter, excessive squeeking, pulling to the right etc..

Looking for opinions.


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Does it make noise when you apply the brakes?

You can try jacking it up and spinning the wheel to see if you hear or feel anything unusual.

Yes, it does make more noise when I apply the brake the vibrating type noise gets louder as I apply the brake.

I felt the front part of the rotor that faces the open rim and it was cool. The back side of the rotor toward the engine bay was smoking hot.

Could it be the caliper or the pad is to thin?

Thanks for the help.

Since you already know the pads need replacing, I dont think you should try to come up with a cause before you replace the obvious. Now, if you repalce the pads and its still happening, then....

Just saw the bit about the hot side of the caliper. Ive had pads on my Ex wear down unevenly, to where one was starting into the rotor while the other was not as close. I think you may find the same.

Thanks Dash.

I was just nervous and hoping it was not the bearing as the pads are much easier and less costly to repair.

Thanks again.
