Brake Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake Question


January 5, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Mauriceville, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
I spent last weekend doing the brakes on my 93 xlt 2wd. I bought new rotors and calipers for the front and new cylinders and shoes for the rear. I replaced all 3 soft brake hoses. After all of this the brakes still feel squishy. I don't think the problem is in the booster of master cylinder, because the brakes work just a little squishy. I have bled them 3 times now. I might have air trapped in the ABS pump. I think that the ABS pump is the problem.I thought that the original problem was that both front rotors were cracked and the rear wheel cylinders seemed to be stuck and not working. Any help here would be appeciated. Thanks.

When your replaced the brake hoses did you max out the fluid in the master cylinder and replace one hose @ a time, or all at once? Did the MC run dry?

I did let the MC get extremely low, possibly too low. I think that I have air in the HCU now and I will have to get one of the adapters to get the air bled out correctly. The way that I bled the brakes was that I got my dad to pump and hold the pedal while I cracked the bleeder slowly I went from right rear then left rear then right front then left front. Did I do something wrong in the bleeding process? Thanks for the help.

Your bleeding sequence is correct...But if air gets into the MC then it can be a huge pita to get out and the HCU is even worse (air can get trapped inside and only removed by using the special electronic tool (which cycles the valves opend allowing fluid to pass through). Whenever I change any brake line, hose, or fitting I always max out the brake fluid reservoir and replace its cap. I then try and plug the line and work quickly while always keeping an eye on the fluid level...
